Turkey welcomes the farewells of 'Ozil & # 39; at the Eagles Iron Run


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July 23, 2011


The Turkish Minister welcomes the decision of the German-Turkish player "Mesut Ozil" who announced his retirement in Germany. In the face of racism, religion and the hootings of the Iron Eagles, who played badly until the first round of the World Cup. 2018

The Turkish Minister of Justice, Abdul Hamitkul, announced today that he congratulated Ossil on his decision to leave the German national team.

Ozil has been serving the Steel Eagles for 10 years since 2009, playing 92 games with 23 goals and helping the team win the World Cup.

The 29-year-old, whose father and mother This was a serious criticism since taking pictures with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In May, the issue of loyalty to the German national team before the 2018 World Cup in Russia

. Ozil opens his mind through online social networks on Sunday, July 22 as he reviewed the difficult part of the past. I will say goodbye to the national team. The result of racism and not respect.

"In the eyes of the President of the Football Association and supporters of the club, I will be German when the team will win.But the return to immigrants when the team loses."

Arsenal star striker confirmed that. He loves Germany and Turkey. In addition, Ozil accused the German Football Association of not protecting him and being unfairly treated.

Meanwhile, Ulrich Rommer, spokesman for German Prime Minister Angela Merkel, said that Mercier has accepted the invitation. Decided to withdraw the national team of Ozil.

"The Prime Minister has praised Ozil a lot, he is a big supporter of the national team, and the prime minister respects his recent decision."

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