Two people, Putin's trumpet


The Purpose of Ordination To get people out of suffering. To study the doctrine of the Buddha. Replace the grace of parents and maintain a good culture.

08.00 Sat. There are 10 monks ordained at Wat Sammat Chayasawat. Phayathai Road, Bangchan, Khlong Samwa Bangkok

10:30 am the following Sunday. There are 10 new celebrations at Wat Wachira Thammasat, Khum Thong, Lat Krabang, Bangkok 13:00. The temple of the Abbot of Wat Bovornniwet arrives at Wat Wachira-Thani temple at 14:00 There is a presentation on rape by Professor Dr. Suchatchawan Suwansawat. As president of the 1st division and lieutenant-general Dr. Niti Subhadanat. Ming Rujira University As president of the 2

I have accumulated a long twist of the relationship between the United States and the Russian Federation. Not me Even adults in the family are interested in this relationship since Russia was also Soviet.

What I do not agree with the polls of the American people is that half of them blame the management of relations between the United States and Russia. I was wrong since the time of the American president before that. Never accept the good wishes of Russia to create this world peacefully. Many Americans are inclined to give Trump a condemnation of Putin. This sent people to intervene in the US presidential election. Make sure that the election does not lead Clinton to the presidency. To be Mr. Trump.

Republican voices are satisfied with the way trumpets deal with Russia by 71%. The base of the Democrats was only 14% satisfied The phrase that made Americans want to be struck was when the trumpeter visited Putin.

Trump is a trader. When it comes to seeing that American customers are not satisfied with their words. The trumpets are out of line saying that they are wrong. And turned to trust in the work of US intelligence agents

policy. Americans are divided into two separate parties. Democrats believe that Putin has actually interfered with the elections. But many Republicans do not believe. But it does not matter who the fans are. The American people have been subjected to repetitive psychological manipulation, to the point that the Russians are enemies, because the competitors have little to consider as friendly. Most have seen Russia as a threat. In my personal opinion. If the Americans are not hit, they see Russia as an enemy.

The peoples of the two countries look at each other differently. Russia's support for Mr Putin The Russian people love a leader who is strong, stable, sincere, not silly, who does not talk back and forth to survive. Seeing that Putin once said that he would become the leader of the United Russia party. Announced in October Alert In December, elections were held. The United Russia party candidate does not have to vote for this party, which counts up to 315 deputies of the Duma and 450 deputies

Putin is different from Trump who speaks softly but regularly. I was wrong to say that it is wrong. I apologize and I apologize, and all ends: people put Putin in the same heart. The other Russian is not a messenger of politics. Putin will have a wife. Old woman divorce I have a new boyfriend.

But Americans are not. The Russian people see the American people go. Be careful

Russians think that the bad attitude and distortion of the American people make the world unstable. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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