U-16 Fighting Force ASEAN 2018 Hunting Championship


Sbobet, the Elephant, the Nations Cup, the 16th ASEAN Championship 2018 Indonesia. He is still packed with the main team of main players …

On July 26, 61 Football Association of Thailand. Announcing the list of 23 players U-16 is finally out. Prepare for the 2018 ASEAN Championship between 26 July and 12 August 2018

by the U-16 elephant fight. Under the direction of "Coach Dates" Thongchai Rungrueng. In the first round of the first round of Malaysia against Malaysia, Singapore, Lao PDR and Brunei, this will be the first match against Malaysia on July 30.

Go to the top Anuchit Thiengsri Chonburi FC

2 Assumption College of Nuttawut Duangkotak Thonburi


The fourth quarter of the year Sun lotus Assumption College Thonburi

5 Coronation Street, Chonburi FC

6 Kitti Chaiyai Buriram United

7 Chompoo Sansunghong Chonburi FC

8 Pongsak Anantet College Assumption Thonburi

9 Ashley Greene, club town of Tyson

10 Club FC Kittikorn Chonburi

11 Thitipan Eksiri Club Leicester City


12. Club-bar Trinitus Sen of Thailand

13 Sarawut Sarasin Club Chonburi FC

14 Panupong Wongthong Assumption College Thonburi

15 Teerapong Youngdee Chai Nat Calao

16 Anucha Fresh College Sri Assumption Thonburi

17 [19659003]

Click here to see the original document. Kittipong Chonburi FC

20 Thanakrit Lopburi Bangkok Glass Club FC

21 Punnawat Chotichiratcharoen SCG FC Muangthong United

22 Aunt Chan Chaniam Buriram United

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