Update the dam in Laos 26 Jul found the cause of the death of 26 people.


The rupture of the dam in Laos flooded the village barbecue until the third day. Help The Government of Laos more accessible. The recent situation is as follows …

On July 26, the reporter reported the progress of the case. Dams in Laos, causing floods in many areas, have been reported periodically, today, the three days of relief. The government of Laos more accessible. The last situation is as follows:

1. Laos confirmed the death of 26 bodies.

2. There are 131 missing persons.

3 Many flooded areas are dry.

4. The water flowing to southern Laos will leave the Mekong without affecting Thailand.

5 Dam failure event. South Korea Who's involved The dams collapsed, found a leak in the middle of the dam. Damaged 3 days ago due to torrential rain

6 After the discovery of the dam, a leak was discovered in the center of the dam. But not success.

7. Laos still mobilizes people in Laos

8. There is no Laotian people here. Or the roof of the house after the rescue.

9. International assistance in Laos.

10. His Majesty

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