Update the latest news on the boar Good night I miss my parents.


Update on the last team of wild boars at Chiang Rai Hospital. After leaving the cave, the rest of the cure is not disturbing. Inflammation of the lungs builds better …

On July 13, Thongchai Lertwilai Rattanapong Inspector of the Ministry of Public Health (Ministry of Health) No. 1 revealed the symptoms of the team of boar on 13 caves as the latest report Chaiyaphum Thanapaisal, director of Chiang Rai Hospital, Nurses, midwives and multidisciplinary nurses continue to provide medical treatment and prevention on the 8th floor.

Everyone's symptoms improve, respectively. Parents can visit intimately. The first four patients were treated at the hospital on July 8th. General eye symptoms, no fever, normal nutrition, normal excretion, eye examination by an ophthalmologist. The normal

for 2 people with symptoms of pulmonary infection improved the normal lung. The blood culture was negative and no antibiotic was available for 7 days.

Thongchai said that Group 2 was hospitalized on September 9th. C. Past General symptoms No symptoms of fever. Ear examination by a doctor of the ear, nose and throat The waiting time for antibiotics is 7 days

The fifth group of 5 patients has been treated since July 10th. Common symptoms are low fever, other vital signs, usually eat well. The symptoms are improved, the third person also to treat infections of the middle ear. And waiting for antibiotics 7 days

in the field of psychiatric care. Everyone has good mental health. No stress Or worry about past events. The psychiatric team Psychologist from Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital Provided care for patients and parents from the beginning. The assessment is closely monitored at the hospital every day. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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