US jury orders Johnson & Johnson compensation of $ 150 billion


The US jury ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay compensation of about $ 150 billion for 22 women suing the company. Put the talc in Johnson's dough. As of July 13, 2006, Reuters and the BBC reported that a US state court jury had ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay. After the trial, the talc claims in Johnson & Johnson starch products caused their loss. With ovarian cancer

the BBC announced that the jury's order in the state of Missouri to Johnson & Johnson, with compensation of $ 550 million and damages punitive interest of $ 4,100 million. While the pharmaceutical company is fighting lawsuits, there are about 9,000 lawsuits involving Johnson Powder. What is sig or the famous star of this company. While Johnson and Johnson expressed their great disappointment at the jury's statement.

.BBC Thailand reported that on May 60, the state courts of St. Louis ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay more than $ 110 million to a 62-year-old American woman from Los Angeles, originally from Missouri. The lawsuit filed against Johnson & Johnson's baby powder caused her to suffer from ovarian cancer in 2012 after using the powder for 40 years.

The company is guilty of not alerting consumers about the risks of the product. By the way, believe it. Talc powder Asbestos. However, experts say that there is no scientific evidence to support this link.

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