"USC College Camp", the government wants to strengthen the opportunities for Thai children to play sports.


"USC College Sports Camp Thailand" teamed up to thank the sponsors. "Doi Kham – Cheo Dee" to help Thai youth play sports. Learn Together Government Assistance to Increase Opportunities for Thai Children to Grow More …

November 29 61. Wasana Chai Promprasit Director of "USC Campsports Thailand", with Mr. Richard Church, Southside Head Coach. University And accompanies the project with Doi Kham Food Products Co., Ltd., thanks to the continuous support of the project by the president Mr.Pipong Pongsaranena Na Ayudhya. Chief Executive Officer of Doi Kham Food Products Co., Ltd.

Mr. Pipatpong said that Doi Kham has been supporting the USS Campbell sports project for three years, in accordance with King Royal Bhumibol Adulyadej Bromnaporn Bophit's Royal Initiative, Thailand has been playing sports. And for health care. Match Doi Kham's approach. The food is healthy. This project is the development of Thai children so that they play sport at the international level. By joining the main American university coaches.

"In the last three years, we have been happy with the project, Thai children have developed sports skills, and in addition to skills, it also helps to practice the discipline." Emotional control And a good athlete. "We want to offer Thai children Thai culture because Doi Kham is ready to support this project for the fourth year in a row," Pipatpong said.

Then afternoon Ms. Wasna led the team to thank the parent company of the company, a manufacturer and distributor of peanut-based products under the brand name Chao, General Manager of Mae Yai Plant Co., Ltd. Take a look at the factory and the production process in Rama 2.

Mr. Chompoo said that Chow Mong was supporting the USC Campschool Camp Thailand for the first time, a great project that will allow Thai children to start practicing sports techniques at a young age. With the study. Believe that learning will be important for kids to come to an end. I'm not sure that's the case. I want the government to support more. Beyond the private sector Open more opportunities for Thai youth.

While Richard Church said that the USC Campgrounds Thailand was operating for more than six years, it was an opportunity for Thai children to experience the experience of a university US. Last year, more than 50 Thai children worked well.

USC Campschool Thailand continues its sixth year in a row and allows young Thai people to play seven different sports: golf, football, swimming, volleyball, basketball, tennis and badminton. Tel: 06-3702-1222 Identifier of the line: @uscollegecampth

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