"Use a fake visa!


Accelerated Expulsion of Visa Fraud After gathering the Thai people, use a fake Thai visa. In Yangon, the confession is worth about 6,000 Baht …

The case of the detection of false visa (Visa) using a stamp imprint. From the people of Myanmar Since the end of the month Last month And the Immigration Police Bureau (UM) ordered the expansion of research. Later in the afternoon of July 28, the reporter was revealed. Major General C is a good idea to have a good time with your family. Julian used a passport with a fake Thai visa.

UNHCR ordered the coordination of visa stickers with the Consulate General and the Consulate General of Thailand in Myanmar. To be in check and mobilize the staff All rights reserved. Increase the intensity measurements in the release.

According to the results of a serious investigation conducted from June 1 to July 22, 2018, it was possible to arrest the people of Myanmar. Of the 97 visa applicants, 90% used tourist visas. And the area with the highest arrests was the northern zone. The border with Myanmar, especially in Tak, secondary to the central area.

Shift. Gen. Influence says that, in addition, Maj. Gen. Suthipong. I ordered all the checkpoints. Both sides of the border. And the checkpoint of the airport. Increase Special By ordering In the field Providing visa information To use in comparison To avoid congestion Particularly opportunistic during agitation with the number of visitors. Now the staff Nationwide, the area has been scanned.

And on July 27 the past. Posted by C & # 39; is a good thing. Mademoiselle Use Thai Visa at Rangoon Inquiry There is a broker called Apple offering visa applications to the consulate in Myanmar. It is worth about 260,000 kyat or 6,000 baht. Both domestic and international. Joint investigation extends its results

"Alert me to the people of Myanmar, beware of the fraudulent brokerage process for fake visas.In ignorance Will be accused of falsifying documents.Article 269 offenses / 13 of the Penal Code are punishable by imprisonment from 1 to 10 years and punishable 20,000-200,000 baht, including employer Check the travel documents and categories of visas required by law. used to be the type.It may be affected by the presence of fake visa users.

The same day, the police immediately.Reporters were disclosed by Maj. General Manrat Ratanakorn, PM, Tak now that tourists and workers are part of the visa.I have not been to Thailand.I'm afraid of that.The visa may be fake because it'sn? t to ask.I have to leave because that I am afraid to be found and will be stopped. , tourists in Myanmar at the main entrance of Mae Sot. Will be a bider pass It can be 7 days and 14 days instead of the details of the survey and information. Sent to the missing supervisor. Mr. Ugo Kochi, president of the Myawaddy Media Ministry, revealed that Myawaddy, as well as the criminal police of Karen State, is prolonging the arrest of several agents. In Karen, Myawaddy and Mew For girls to get a visa for prostitution. Mr. Ubolo also said that Thai and Myanmar. The issue of fake visas has created a buzz for the company to provide passports to migrant workers. Many companies have been the subject of an investigation by the Myanmar authorities. Some suspicious companies have been searched. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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