Vanguard Buster: July 14, 2018


Hold in your hand is the front line. All lines are simple …

nn is a huge news When General Chavalit Yingyoung, the 86-year-old former prime minister, married a 53-year-old man, Pak Nam Poe … nn " Big Min ", who was married for 10 years. […]

n Big Bang says, "Love is born of intimacy and takes care of me all the time when my health is unhealthy. So come closer and get to know each other. […]

nn on the love of young mermaids kittens "Big Fort" General Pravit Wongsuwan Deputy Prime Minister And the Minister of Defense "I do not know what to do," he said. I'm not sure if that's the case. "Big Fort" is also single. I did not have news to ask the girls if the "Big Fort" is married, it would burst into the world. (Ha ..) … nn See the Phuket wrecked boat event in Phuket There are 74 dead, but they are Chinese brothers of the mainland …

nn on Wednesday noppatat The Governor Non-Thong Nai Phuket, Mr. Chen Song Pheng, Deputy Director General, Department of Consular Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China [Nouvelles] [Nouvelles] [Nouvelles quotidiennes] What are you going to do? He saw the Thai law lax, allowing a violation. I'm not sure if that's the case. The staff is full of strangers, tourists can not open the cafe is not. If anyone thinks that corruption is a joke, go to jail … nn. Big jokes – Major General Surachet Khunpawan, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, takes root in the process of extermination ….

nn Recently, Watsawan Mitham, chairman of the National Commission for Human Rights The man (TMA) chaired the opening of the 2nd official meeting of the National Institute of Human Rights in Southeast Asia. (SEANF), which currently includes members. Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Timor-Leste …

nn The meeting approved the mandate of SEANF for the implementation of human rights institutions of Indonesia (Komnas HAM) operates an international cooperation office and is based in Indonesia. And discuss ways to organize joint activities between SEANF and the Association for the Prevention of Torture. And the Raul Wallenberg Institute on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. In Sweden, […]

nn As part of RWI's activities, TWG meeting No. 1/1996 instructed the Bureau to coordinate the RWI Human Rights Violations and Cross-Border Effects: Bridging the Gaps in Protection through territorial offices, to be held from August 16 to 17, 2018. RAM Novotel Bangkok Fenix ​​Ploenchit, Sukhumvit …

nn by NHRC. Compilation of the comments of the members of the SEANF. Prepare for the 70th anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the 15th annual meeting of SEANF in September this year. It is a formidable and stimulating task … nn Hello


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