Vietnamese court convicts prisoner of 15 protesters


Vietnamese Protesters Oppose the Regulation of Land Ownership Special Economic Zone The government has announced that it will allow foreigners to hold a lease for up to 99 years, This has hurt investors, especially Chinese investors. Reuters reported that Vietnamese courts sentenced 15 other protesters who were arrested during the June protests. Last protest At least 31 people were sentenced to prison for participating in rallies across the country. The trial ends on July 30, 2010. The city of Bien Hoa is located in southern Vietnam. Judging a sentence of imprisonment for protesters between eighteen and eighteen months, and five others, the court ruled that the conduct of 12-14 months was based on offenses that caused unrest in the areas public. It's a protest that caused juggernaut jam. Because the community has hit the road. Earlier this month, about 16 people were sentenced to homosexuality charges in Binh Thuan province in the central part of the country. Quote of the protest in June. The crowd throws bricks and stones. Include a bomb in the police.

The Vietnamese court sentenced 15 demonstrators to riots. is_in_tdc_iframe = false
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