Shift. General Weerachon Suankhon Spokesman for the Deputy Prime Minister Revealed Visit Bhutanese Prime Minister Prayut Chunyacha and his delegation from 19 to 20 July 2061 were very successful. Warmly and honorably, both countries have good relations. And this visit is an excellent opportunity for both countries to deepen their relations and cooperation. This is considered the highest honor. I have a chance to meet. King and Queen of Bhutan It represents the relationship between the two countries, which are close to Buddhism, society, culture and loyalty to the monarchy. The Thai people are very respectful and respectful of the Bhutanese king Bhumibol
. Meeting with the Prime Minister of Bhutan Both sides are satisfied with the discussions. Because Thailand contributes to the development of the Bhutanese country. This is particularly true of university cooperation in health development and human resource development. Tourism cooperation is an area where both countries have the potential and the benefits. Therefore, we should push cooperation to concrete results. In addition, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2016, Thailand and Bhutan have pledged to increase trade through the Thai-Commercial Joint Commission of Bhutan. Ear, nose and throat, as well as establishing the centers of the ear, nose and throat in the Kingdom of Bhutan. To provide treatment Transfer of knowledge Technical and academic Develop specialized medical personnel. The cooperation of Thai and Bhutanese doctors in the treatment of patients. The Prime Minister has confirmed that. Thailand will continue to cooperate closely with Bhutan.
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