VJ is coming! Do not call a Cinderella I did not smuggle it!


Although the drama, but the gold Natta Weeranuch remained the same. The conversation of the city's loudspeakers throughout the city. With the case of movie star rice consonant. The husband of the villagers, the Tudananan went out to accept him. That said, a beginner. This must be the end of these stories.

In the social world that follows the star. The answer is that the story is how the story is. And then decide what to do, and recently, Natta Weeranuch posted all the stories in their own instagram.

"First of all, I know a lot of people are waiting for me to answer this story with the sergeant." Before, I saw that it was not the right time. I think it's time to clarify, I'm not sure if that's the case.How do you explain that? The simplest is right […] I know for a fact that he and his wife live separately for almost two years and they're agreeing to a divorce. Click to view member details, post a message or a compliment, or view their entire profile. D & # 39; okay, it's not busy.It's the first thing I know from the beginning, but later we'll see it again.

] In this regard, I admit in error that the pace is too fast.Finally, its problems are not over.And disappointed a lot of people.I do not know what to do, but I do not not what to do. The first is the question that a lot of news uses the word mistress, which is not the case. And no intention. [/ Quote] I do not know what to do [Citation] I do not know what to say. And if you do not know the answer, or if you do not know who you are, or if you do not know, do not do it. So I have to go somewhere as normal people do not hide. After that, he had a negotiation. I am not involved. [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] Link to the message – To the top IP:] Click to see more details Click to see more details Click to see more details Click to see more details Click to see more details Click to see more details see more detail Is there a way to do it? Have common assets or use the house money, women. He has always been known and known as a friend. The man is good and sincere. I know this point needs to be criticized, but I accept it.

Later. The news said. Hope the man to feed. This is not true. The first man. I have nothing to eat. I have rice. [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] [Image] Since he's 19, he has worked for himself. Do business with money yourself. Do not spend money on women in the news. And then write this money 900 000 in the account of women to use abroad is not true.

Another story is to be warned and floating. Not interested is not true and in this section, the man is asked to solve the problem.

I admitted tolerance, criticism and commentary. From the action itself. But I do not want to hurt you.

I am happy to do good things every time, I do not want to be disappointed with that. Defeat with each faith. In the past, I have seen many people scold parents and sisters, which is unacceptable. All is my own self to blame. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. This is explained in detail enough. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. Let the man go to finish his own problems. If the story is not over and what to explain. I'm not sure if that's the case. I understand all the angles and thank you for a lot. Thank you and thank you very much. I do not really know what to say, n, t, s)
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