Wait for the interior to approve the method. Chao Phraya River Phase 1 Construction


News from Bangkok City Hall to announce progress of the development project along the Chao Phraya River Phase 1 from the Rama Bridge. 7. Somdej Phra Pinklao Bridge that Bangkok has proposed to approve how to hire the Ministry of the Interior. The first phase of the budget is about 8,362 million baht currently under study by the Ministry of the Interior (TMS). BOT: Interbank Offered Rate in Bangkok (BIBOR) To find the contractor according to government regulations.

For the first phase, the construction is divided into four contracts: 1. From Rama VII – Klong Bangsue, 1,770 million baht 2. From the Bang Sue canal – bridges. Somdet Phra Pinklao, the amount of 2,470 million baht. The total cost is 2 061 million baht 4. Talat Bang Phlat – Khlong Samsan with an amount of 2 061 million baht, construction time is 18 months. The demolition of the house on the Chao Phraya River in the project area is only the second phase of the Bang Sue – Somdejprapinklao Bridge, about 126 people have not moved. Because of the new house. Bangyai Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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