Want to meet! "Chatree" sends boar invitations to attend the "Battle of Chips Day" on October 6th.


"Chatri Saimot Thong", president and CEO of "Day of Champions", sent invitations to the team of boars "coaches – players", including 13 people to attend the battle of the Arena at the edge of the field. On July 9 and 61, after the press conference of "Champions Day", the largest martial arts sport in Asia. "Day: Kingdom Hero of the Year" in the year 2561, which will be a great explosion on the 6th.

M. Chatri Saithongphan, President and CEO of "Day of Champions", in addition to the importance and overview of "Day: Kingdom of Thailand" Heroes "at this time. I have also invited coaches and footballers to the Academy of Wild Boars.This is the first time I see this movie.
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