Warning Ministry of Conscience No. 13 heavy rains throughout Thailand from July 14 to 19.


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July 14, 2011


The Department of Intellectual Property Warning 13 Heavy rains in Thailand Ask people to be wary of heavy rains and rain that fell from July 14 to 19

announced the Department of meteorology. "Heavy rain in Thailand and windy (July-July 2018)." No. 13, dated July 14, 2018. From July 14 to 19, 2018, Thailand had heavy rain. With heavy rains in the North. North-east, center, east and south The inhabitants of the region must beware of heavy rains and rain.

The height of the waves is expected in the Andaman Sea and the upper Gulf with a wave height of 2 to 3 meters. Small boats in the Andaman Sea should stay on land. For people living on the east coast and southwest coast. The danger of winds blowing towards the coast

due to the typhoon across Myanmar. Haut-Nord and Laos to a low-pressure cell in the Gulf of Tonkin. The southwest monsoon prevails over the Andaman Sea. The south and the gulf are strong. This makes Thailand dense. With heavy rains the wave of wind in the Andaman Sea and in the upper Gulf of Thailand remains strong

People are expected to closely monitor the Meteorology Department . And can be followed on the website of the Meteorological Service. http://www.tmd.go.th or hotline weather 1182.

Announced on July 14, 2018 at 11:00 am
The Meteorological Department will publish the next announcement. July 14, 2061, at 11 pm

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