Warning! Northeast, heavy rains, sudden floods


The Meteorology Department I have a lot of rain in Thailand. May cause sudden flooding. Sudden flood The wave of the Andaman Sea has a height of 2 to 3 meters and small boats should be kept away from the sea.

Jul 16, 61 Meteorological Department Ad n ° 20 said that the wind waves in Ranong and Phang Nga. The height of the waves is about 2 meters and above 2 meters in the Thundershree shadow areas. The wave of wind in the Andaman Sea and in the upper Gulf will intensify. Wave height 2-3 meters.

So let the sailors carefully. The smaller boats should stay on shore during this time. For people living on the east coast and southwest coast. The danger of a strong wind blows on the shore.

While high Thailand is still a heavy rain. With heavy rains in the North. Northeast And East. People in the area are aware of the danger of heavy rains and rain. This can cause a sudden flooding of water courses

. The monsoon depression across the country. High Laos and Laos at low pressure. Tonkin Bay The southwest monsoon. The breeze covered the sea of ​​Andaman. The south and the Gulf of Thailand are strong. From the meteorological department closely.

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