Well! 2022 FIFA World Cup Big Changes Thailand is the first to win.


"Elephant Battle" The Thai national team to win the history of the World Cup for the first time. FIFA will increase its quota in World Cup 2022 …

International News Agency reported on July 13 that Dianne Infinito, President of the International Football Federation or FIFA The Announcement of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar will change the time and could increase the quota.

Normally, the World Cup will be held in summer. But the next World Cup in 2022 in Qatar. The FIFA president insisted on a freeze during the winter of 21 to 18 December, as he avoided temperatures that could exceed 41.3 degrees in summer

. The final of the 2022 World Cup from 32 original teams to 48 teams, which could give the Thai national team the opportunity to go to the first time in history than ever before .

The 2022 tournament will be held on November 21 and December 18, ideas will now compete 48 teams "in Ottawa, said Van

" We have agreements and treaties with Qatar. But now it's too good to know 32 races or more.

"We have not closed the door to this idea.It is quite possible that if there are 48 teams, the tension on many continents will be reduced."

https: //www.thairath.co.th/sport/preview

Take part in the 2018 World Cup event and win a total of 32 million prizes and more today until today. on July 14, 61 [ Fonction (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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