Who drives? The Malaysian investigation "MH370" was authorized before the loss.


The investigation into the disappearance of flight HM 370 of the Government of Malaysia officially declares that. Someone control this plan before it disappears. Not because of failure. […] Monday, July 30, the Malaysian Inquiry Committee Press Conference in Putrajaya. Publish the official safety report of the aircraft Boeing. 777-200 ER, MH 377 (MH370) of Malaysia Airlines, which was lost on March 8, 2014.

The report, which has a thickness of more than 400 pages Boeing said that it was more likely to & # 39; Be checked only for technical problems before it disappears, but the investigators could not confirm who was in control. Because the proof is not enough. There is no evidence that the aircraft is controlled by anyone other than the pilots assigned by Malaysian Airlines and does not rule out other possibilities. For example, the intervention of a third

Former Suu Kyi, Director of the Malaysian Civil Aviation Bureau And the Chief Investigator this time. In the press conference. There is no evidence to support the belief that MH 370 is controlled by remote control before it concludes. His team can not confirm the true cause of the disappearance of the H 370, one of the most mysterious in the global aviation industry.

"The answer should only be reached when the remains are found." Dr. Foo Sukun said after the reporter asked if there would be a day to find out what was happening with the plane .

The loss of HM 370 while traveling from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In Beijing from China With the arrival of 239 passengers and crew members, the Malaysian Air Traffic Control Commission lost contact with the Boeing 777 as the aircraft flew over the sea between Malaysia and Vietnam. What is happening is that the theory of diversion and terrorism

according to the Malaysian Investigative Report. The evidence collected The aircraft is controlled by hand and not by an automatic check. At the turn, and towards the Indian Ocean. The radar of the army and civilian agencies can capture the signal of this aircraft. And redirection is hard to justify because of any system. The plane failed. This plane was also maintained. It is very possible that the system is controlled. But do not notice that anyone else than the pilot is being controlled.

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