Dark gurus revealed the origin of the case Cristiano Ronaldo is moving from Real Madrid to play for Juventus with the salaries will be given to Zebra. With Ronaldo moving to join the team …
Foreign press agency reported on July 5 that the famous Spanish Guillermo Magellan Guru revealed that the case. Cristiano Ronaldo moves from Real Madrid to Juventus
"pretty clear, the intentions of both sides between Real Madrid and Cristiano Ronaldo," said Balaclava.
"There was a meeting between the representatives of Ronaldo and Real Madrid last night, the club knew that he wanted to get out of the team.
" Eventually, Real Madrid agreed and said: "Agree, if someone offers 100 million euros, we will let you go." Us
. "Juventus told Mendez and Ronaldo that they would submit the offer and they would pay him 30 million euros in salary and that will make him happy again, as they are ready to make an offer four years, what Ronaldo wants and Real Madrid will be very open for this agreement to happen. "[Ilyaaussidesrapporthatthe"Zebra"givealachemisenumero7toRonaldos'theymovetotheteam
. https://www.thairath.co.th/sport/preview
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