Win! Russia leads the Croatian refusing to continue the first 1-1 period.


The polar bear of Russia got a 1-0 lead from Denis Cheese, but Croatia was reluctant to score 1-1 in the first half of the first half. 2018 World Cup …

2018 World Cup finals on 7 July, the last pair at the stadium stage of the Russian Federation meets with Croatia

. Match 3 interchangeable: Subaru has a volley with the right ball. Croatian fired a shot from Cech Marich, but Akin Feyv saved him and corner, Lorenz hit the ball above the crossbar.

Croatia started doing better than the minute. 16 There is one more opportunity for Ivan Rakitic to give a free kick on the left court, but the ball crosses the crossbar.

Another chance for the Croatian 28 minutes. Cristiano Ronaldo comes back after a broken frame.

32 minutes to take the lead 1-0 Denis Cheese, the ball before the spin with a triangle curve left

Croatia The rivalry was 1-1, 39 minutes, Kendal Kitchens to the line before the turn to Krue Marich to hit him.

Then no goal added to the first half of the two teams are still 1-1 to go.

List of both teams

Russia: 4-2-3-1: Igor Anek Feve (GK): Mario Fairborn Igor Ekaterinov, Sergei Ignatiskov, Alex Zander Samedov, Alexander Golovin, Denis Chery Chief: Ardea Subba

Croatia: 4-2-3-1: Donna Yelba Subaru Gitch (GK): Ivan Strinic, Domoy Reviews Vida, Dean Lafreau, Simone Sloogo: Luke Modrich, Ivan Rakitic Perisic Vera, Andrey Kraussich, Antarebsk: Mario Mandzukic


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