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Huawei's Southeast Asia Enterprise Services ecosystem summit under the concept of 'Leading Ecosystem Service, Accelerate Digital Transformation' to create a service ecosystem. Leading Digital Transformation for Enterprise Customers Worldwide

Huawei also has a complex strategy called "Platform + Ecosystem" to help customers meet the challenges. During the transition to the digital age and leading to business success, Huawei will work with partners based on this strategy. To create a flexible, open and flexible platform, Huawei has an unwavering commitment to sustainability and sustainable ecosystems by continually associating with the industry. Build an open-source community and a development platform. The goal is to push the industry to develop and create a community of mutual interest, to promote coexistence. To grow together and continue to innovate.

To achieve this goal, Huawei Enterprise's focus is on five key industries: public safety, transportation, energy, finance and manufacturing. It also works in 3 main control points: Advanced Technology. Top ecosystems and networks To form in a circle.

View of this event

The world of technology and intelligence is becoming more and more important, Huawei is happy to be part of it. To drive the digital transformation As Huawei, it intends to introduce Platform and Ecosystem, two key factors in the management. And the key word of the current technology of the three words is

  1. Safety or security is the most important.
  2. Open or Open
  3. Flexibility

by Huawei. He promises to be ahead of his time and relies on the 3 key words: he is open to the partner with a platform open to customer use via HCIE or Huawei Certified Internetwork Expert. Ah. Huawei Certified Internetwork Expert (HCIE) is the professional certification of Huawei Certified Internetwork Expert (HCIE). Huawei And encourages the engineers of Huawei's partners and customers to participate. There are leaders and experts in the industry to share information on new trends in the ICT industry, leading to a transition to the digital age. Huawei also unveiled a strategic partnership, service and global platform for its partners in Southeast Asia. It also demonstrates our commitment to working closely with our partners. To help customers cope with the challenges. In the transition to the digital age and business success. Huawei has more than 1,000 partners in Southeast Asia, with more than 400 in Thailand

and at the end of this year. There are more than 120 HCIE participants and it is expected that by 2064 there will be more than 500 HCIE trainers in South East Asia.

In addition to Huawei's service ecosystem,

Huawei Certified Service Partners (CSP)

Huawei has more than 19900 qualified service partners, of which more than 160 are listed. Southeast Asia Currently, there are more than 70 certified 4-star and 5-star Certified Service Partners in Thailand and more than 20 certified in Thailand. [19659018HuaweiServicePlatform

The Association of the Service Industry (TPSA) has launched a quality certification program to Support the Staf certification of excellence The project has three accredited global service centers (GSC) and a Technical Assistance Center (TAC). The Association of Professional Support has ranked the Huawei Technical Support Portal among the top 10 global technical support sites. It has also unveiled 36 co-innovation centers and nine OpenLabs worldwide, and Thailand is one of [4] ] fast growing companies in the region in the region, including IoT, Cloud and Software- Huawei Certified Learning Partners (HALP)

are leading suppliers of qualified trainers and engineers from . Our partners Huawei currently has more than 100 training partners and more than 200 trainers around the world. There are 4 partners in the program who have trained over 1800 engineers in Huawei's partner organizations.

Huawei ICT Academy

Huawei has set up a learning center [sur19659003] in more than 300 integrated circuits in the world and in Southeast Asia. Huawei developed the project. Collaboration with many universities He launched the Huawei Academy of Information and Authorized Networks (HAINA) and has more than 100 students who have been trained and certified under the program. Wang Wei (William) Vice President Business Services Department Southeast Asia Region Huawei Enterprise Business Group

"Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Fast Forward And the future is growing. Digital society has a genius in many sectors, "said Hope, head of Enterprise Enterprise.Huawei Technologies said:" Increased use of Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence Big Data (AI) and Internet services. Internet information (OT). I will turn the IC system. And business models in organizations. Huawei has established itself as an engine and a key partner in the transition to the digital era. To create excellence. Commitment to customers And therefore It is necessary to change the ICT of the organization. Huawei aims to become the most reliable partner and create services for its customers in order to turn them into Digital Transformation. Wang Wei (William) Vice President, Department of Business Services Southeast Asia Huawei Enterprise Business Group

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