Young Thai Practical First Before the ASEAN Games


Thai Youth T-Shirt First practice after traveling to Myanmar, the "Coach A" focuses on adapting to the environment. […] […] The 20-year-old is currently competing in the 2018 ASEAN Championship in Myanmar

. The first rehearsal after traveling to Naypyidaw Stadium at the Nai Thon Indoard Stadium to adjust the body. And after the training, "A coach", Air Marshal Somboon Naksan, head coach of the Thai national team, said: "The rehearsal on the first day We propose to the athletes to adjust the condition of the field because the terrain is quite wide

"We focus on the course. Both the service, the offense and the athlete. The history of the weather here. This is not so different from Thailand. Include food. This is not very different from Thailand.

For the young Thai U-20 rubber ball. The first pitch. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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