That's what Twitter thinks about the rumored affair of Prince William


It is common knowledge at this point that rumors of an affair between Prince William and Rose Hanbury are racing. It all started when Kate Middleton decided that she wanted to end her close friendship with Rose and, all of a sudden, it was assumed that the reason was the infidelity between her friend and her husband.

Although the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge seemed to make fun of these rumors, it did not stop people from constantly talking about them. At one point, fans were saying that Kate was leaving the Kensington Palace home, which she shares with William. Everyone, especially the media, began to analyze William and Kate's behavior, as well as their interactions.

Fortunately, it seems that they do not act differently, indicating that fraud charges are simply rumors. But what does Twitter think? We will take a look.

The truth behind the alleged case Prince William

Prince William
Prince William | Richard Stonehouse / Getty Images

A few months ago it was reported that Kate and her long-time friend, Rose, had some sort of division between them. Not long after, many people thought there was an affair between Rose and William. The rumors were never confirmed by the palace, although many felt the event would cause tension not only between William and Kate, but also between William and his brother, Prince Harry. The conversation deteriorated so badly that the Duke of Cambridge's lawyers tried to stop rumors and all media reports.

Does Prince William want to deceive Kate Middleton?

Although William and Kate are one of the most loving and dedicated couples we know, it seems that fans around the world simply can not forget the fact that Prince Charles was unfaithful to Diana there are many years. Although this does not automatically mean that William would do the same thing to his wife, it does leave fears that he will follow in his father's footsteps.

Some think this is the case, while others believe that William saw Charles's infidelity hurt his mother and would never make the same mistake as Charles. We can say that William and Kate have always seemed to love each other deeply and that they 've been together for so many years that it' s hard to imagine the idea of ​​### ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 39, a relationship between Will and his daughter.

What does Kate Middleton think about the Prince William case?

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The new @afnccf Center of Excellence brings together for the first time under one roof leading experts and practitioners in neuroscience, mental health, social protection, child development, research and education, alongside children, young people and their families. By combining all the elements needed to improve children's understanding and practice in child mental health, the Center can continue to pursue its ambition of transforming mental health provision for children and their families across the UK. Today's visit to open the new Center of Excellence marks the Duchess of Cambridge's dedication to raising awareness of children's mental health issues and the importance of early intervention and collaboration with the whole family for vulnerable people. His Royal Highness would like to draw attention to how this charity is working to advance the mental health care of children and adolescents. Swipe to see Professor Peter Fonagy, CEO of the Anna Freud Center, further explain the new @afnccf Center of Excellence.

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She does not seem to react at all. Kate did not let the rumor affect her, not even go to royal events and seem to be doing well. She made no public comment on the alleged case, which is most likely an indication that the rumors are completely false. We are so happy that everything seems to be going smoothly in Cambridge House and we hope the rumors will eventually be appeased.

What does Twitter think of the Prince William affair?

Of course, Twitter has not kept quiet about this case. A user tweeted that she was disappointed to be up early in the morning, 8 years ago, to watch William and Kate get married, only to hear of a case of rumors. Another user tweeted his sympathy for Kate about what she's supposed to cross.

It seems that many Twitter users believe that the rumors of a link are true and address social media. We must say that these rumors will certainly take some time to subside. For the moment, they are still unconfirmed, and there is a lot of speculation about what can or can not really be spent.


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