That's why Epic has disabled Fortnite BRUTE mech wetsuit


On Friday night, Epic Games suddenly turned off its controversial BRUTE combination and gave it back its Royal Battle Game, which players have preferred and demanded since the vehicle arrived with Season X. The removal is only temporary, as It indicates the alert in the lobby of the game, but has persisted for more than 14 hours at this point without return in sight. The company vaguely evoked the fact that the kidnapping was caused by a trampling problem of the suit.

The players have largely praised the withdrawal of the costume. In fact, the ticket on Reddit in which Epic said he was temporarily disabled, BRUTE received more than a dozen gold awards, five platinum badges and three dozen silver awards, highlighting the Fortnite the hatred of the vehicle towards the community. Similar praise can be seen in response to the company's tweet:

Epic did not explain in detail why he had removed the suit, but only that it was due to a problem with the mechanic trampling the vehicle. The reason is probably due to a video recently published by the famous SypherPK streamer in which it details a bug that allows the combination to cause serious damage to the players, even if it hits the ground several meters away from them:

Sypher PK Discovers Revolutionary Crier Bug Game by r / FortNiteBR

As can be seen in the video above, a player in a BRUTE combination can use his air trampling function to hit the ground and cause damage to the player. One might assume that the damage would only apply in cases where the combination manages to hit the opponent, but a bug allows it to cause significant damage to any player near the vehicle, even if it is on the other side. side of the structure. .

This is a pretty serious bug, which gives the costume an even more destructive power and fuels the anger of players frustrated by their inability to adequately defend against the machine. Epic does not know exactly how long it will take to fix the problem, but the company says it will eventually release BRUTE into the game.


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