The 43 Most Amazing Lines of Donald Trump's Wisconsin Campaign Rally


1. "The strength of our nation lies in the hearts of our people, so true."

This is a very common speech reason of Trump. He reads a line of the prompter. And since he did not read the speech in advance, he responds by accepting his own words that he sees for the first time with a "so true". And we're going!

2. "We will get to the bottom of things in our country."

So true.

3. "And we are now the world's largest economy and it's not even close."

This is usually true!

4. "By the way, Saturday night, is there a more fun place than a Trump rally?"

Maybe I could think of one or two places. …

5. "Can you imagine? Joe asleep? Bernie crazy."

Why did Trump suddenly start talking about his potential opponents for 2020? Oh, I have no idea. But the crowd LOVED it.

6. "I think Pocahontas, she's done, she's out, she's gone, no, when I found out I had more Indian blood in her than she had." "

Trump refers to Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren with this mockery. And, yes, the crowd LOVED it.

7. "But can you imagine that these people here are doing what I do?" They would be 200 people to run for president if they were. President, no one would show up. "

It's fascinating that Trump understands that the job of president is to get a lot of people to show up at rallies.

8. "The people who are wrong the most are the forecasters and the political analysts."

It is not wrong!

9. "People stand outside 24 hours ago, 32 hours outside, who stayed outside for 24 hours?"
This comes from the Green Bay Press Gazette: "A line of supporters is wrapped around the center of Resch, some people said they waited outside at night." So true.

10. "We had 69,000 people who signed up to get in. What's in this place, like 10,000 or 12,000 people, whatever, whatever, we set the record."

Which disc? In addition, I have no idea how Trump created this number of 69,000. Here is how a local TV affiliate described the crowd: "It was a free event at which everyone could attend , but the secret service said that only the first 10 000 people are hosted in the center.
11. "I do not know what it contains, but we just set the record."
According to the Internet, the Resch Center can accommodate 10,500 people. But Trump has the record. Bigly.

12. "It's always dangerous." He said, "Yes, that's it, sir. "It's still dangerous." Yes, you're asking like, "No, sir." I'm dead, they'll take … they'll take that answer, that will be the headlines. "

Let me translate this for you who do not speak word salad: Trump brought the owner of the Resch Center on stage and asked him if it was a record crowd. (Because it's very important for the way he does his job.) The owner said it was a record. Trump was relieved because it would have made the headlines if it was not a record.

13. "Now it's the record, we set records everywhere."

It is VERY important for you to know that Donald Trump has set a record. VERY.

14. "The biggest political hoax in American history, it really was."

For the record: the Mueller probe resulted in 199 charges against 37 people and entities. Seven people pleaded guilty to various crimes and five others were sentenced to imprisonment. So, not really a "hoax".

15. "The USMCA loves the song" YMCA ", right?"

Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States!

16. "Can you believe I'm a politician? I can not even."

Honestly, the same.

17. "You know, Canada, we love the song Oh Canada." Let's sing "Oh Canada", it's true. We love the series. "

WHAT. IS. EVENT. (And no, there is not much context to add here, he just started talking about Canada.)

18. "But who knows, I always say," Who knows? "Because who the hell knows?"

[nods head slowly]

19. "Do not forget that we are the piggy bank that everyone steals.We are we.We are the piggy bank that everyone steals, steals and enjoys."


20. "What I do not … I tell you what you know, people say:" Oh, he wants to conquer the country, he wants to expand his territory. "

I think Trump rules out changing the constitutional limit for a president filling two terms here. So, there is that.

21. "You're right, USA We love the United States and that's right."

"I love the lamp." – Tamland brick

22. "If you look at what happened with the scum who leaves the top of the government."

Only the president of the United States has described the high-level staff as "scum". Super normal stuff !!!

23. "The sales – they were dirty cops, they were dirty guys."

Trump, presumably, alludes to long-standing Department of Justice officials such as James Comey and Robert Mueller.

24. "I mean we drain the swamp, but are we spending a good time or what?"

Who said you could not have fun draining the swamp? Not me!

25. "And look at all those beautiful red hats and some white ones, a little white, look at that, those are – that's a lot of red hats, but you have the whites too, do not you?"

MAGA red hats> White MAGA hats. But wait….

26. "And you also have blacks, you have many, you have many different hats."

… There is more! So many hats. DIFFERING COLORS.

27. "It's what's called MAGA country, you know, I did not hear that term until this third-class Chicago actor came out."

The President of the United States gives his opinion on the Jussie Smollett case.

28. "Ronald Reagan has rarely used America's Upgrades." "Closed, but not the same." Apostrophe S. "You do not want the quote." It's too complicated. Reagan was good, said we do – but he did not use it.He used it a little.We use it seriously, is not it?


29. "And MAGA, we got it for free because my whole contract was Make America Great Again, all of a sudden, people are saying and getting into #MAGA."

The words fail.

30. "We have a massive audience on TV, have you ever seen so many cameras, if anyone else was here, you'd have a similar one."

I've heard that it's a record crowd. So true.

31. "Because I have a few friends here, they are quite rich people, people who are very successful, and you know what?" Damn with them, "I do not care."

Oh snap, Trump friends, you're diving on it! FACE!

32. "In Michigan, they awarded me a prize six years ago, seven years ago, I did not know anything about it, it was the man of the 39, year in Michigan. "

There is no evidence that Trump has ever been named "Man of the Year" in Michigan.

33. "They'll take you too."

Trump conveys this very discreet idea that Democrats, if they are put in power, will collect all guns in the country – and no one smiles.

34. "Now we send many of them to sanctuary cities, thank you very much, they are not very happy about that, I am proud to tell you that it was actually my unhealthy idea."

There is zero evidence that the administration sends undocumented immigrants held at the border in sanctuary cities. In fact, several government officials have made it clear that this policy is not only logistically untenable, but potentially illegal. But, hey, that was Trump's "sick" idea!

35. "To face the border crisis, I declared a national emergency.The good news is that everyone is in agreement."

[narrator voice] They do not do it.

36. "They aggressively push the extreme late abortion, allowing children to be ripped from their mother's womb."

Totally and completely wrong.

37. "The baby is born, the mother has met the doctor, they are taking care of the baby, they are wrapping the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the mother determine if they are going to run the baby. . "

38. "We have a lot of young people, you want to know the truth, I think we have more than just them."

Hillary Clinton won voters aged 18 to 29 by 19 points in 2016.

39. "We are very close, $ 300 million for Great Lakes restoration initiatives."

40. "You know, very often, if you do not boast of it, no one else does it, just so much."

So true.

41. "And I must say that all the leaders who come to see me at the Oval Office tell me all their congratulations."

Every foreign leader who comes to see Trump says "congratulations". Everyone. Absolutely. That's good, 100% true, I'm sure.

42. "With every last ounce of heart, hope and sweat, we will take a stand."

Speaking of taking a stand: why on earth did Jon Snow approve a battle plan in which he deployed his forces outside the walls of Winterfell to fight the army of the dead? Like, why not hang out in the walls? Am I the only one to think that?

43. "Together with the great and proud people of Wisconsin, we will make America again rich."

[[[[emoji with money coming out of the mouth] It seems like a good place to finish.


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