The absolute absurdity of the fourth evening of Trump in July


Which brings me to this tweet the president sent Sunday:

"RETAINING DATE!" We will have one of the largest gatherings in the history of Washington, DC, on July 4. It will be titled "A Salute To America" ​​and will be held at the Lincoln Memorial. entertainment and an address by your favorite president, me! "

It is easy, in the midst of the constant near-breaking of the Trump presidency, to miss out on an event. It's just Trump, tell yourself and roll your eyes.

But consider what we are talking about here: the President of the United States plans to deliver a speech that, knowing him, will almost certainly be of a political nature. And he will give it the day we Americans celebrate our independence.

The thing is, we already have a big party on July 4th! In Washington! I have been. It's wonderful! The National Symphony Orchestra plays! There are fireworks!

Given this fact, it's not hard to see what Trump is doing here. He wanted a giant military parade in Washington on Veterans Day. This has been postponed because of cost issues – and the fact that rolling tanks and other military equipment on the streets of the nation's capital may not be the most American thing ever organized. .
But Trump did not give up so easily, especially after being assaulted by the parade on July 14 in Paris. The same is true for the upcoming July 4th holiday, in which Trump is likely Campaign 2016 – to militarize the idea of ​​patriotism. Patriotism, in Trump's world, supports his politics without asking questions. To protest against these policies, which have been at the origin of the formation of America, is tantamount to rooting against our country.

Point: Up is down. D-O-G spells "cat". It's the world that "your favorite president" has created. We all live in it.


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