The Acer Predator Thronos Air will massage your back for $ 13,000


Last year we were blown away by the Acer Thronos gaming cockpit, but its price of $ 30,000 made it inaccessible for all, with the exception of the more affluent players. .

Ok, it's still a lot of money, but it's less than half the price of the original Thronos. To reduce the price to foolish levels (rather than inconceivable levels), Acer has reduced the motorized features. You must now manually adjust the monitor arm and the angle of the game chair.

Even so, even without the engines, it's a fierce battle station for games. The mechanical monitor arm still supports three game monitors. Meanwhile, the game chair segment of this configuration still comes with a deployable footrest and allows you to lean back until you reach 130 degrees while you play.

A new feature of the Predator Thronos Air chair incorporates massage motors. According to Acer, this feature has been put in place to help players "relax after intense gaming sessions".

After trying it during the show, I can tell you that it's an absolutely ridiculous feature, but it works well if you want a massage while you play.

The Acer Predator Thronos Air is expected to come out in the last quarter of the year, expect it to be delivered by the end of the year.

Kevin Lee is the IGN Editor for Hardware and Roundups. Follow him on Twitter @baggingspam


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