The advice of & # 39; Game of Thrones & # 39; available to help fans manage the end of the series


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INDIANAPOLIS (WTHR) – As "Game of Thrones" draws to a close, some fans may be struggling with a multitude of emotions.

If this sounds like you, do not worry, because there is a website that will put you in touch with a counselor to discuss all of this. has a new dedicated service entirely dedicated to the end of the world famous HBO show.

Once you have entered your postal code, the site asks you why you need advice, such as dealing with the loss of the OGEN, discussing plot twists and decisions of David Benioff and Daniel Weiss in writing.

"Fans can talk to qualified counselors (who are familiar with the series) to discuss twists and scenarios, and professionals will help them digest their feelings and interpretations of the show, ranging from anger and confusion to sadness and sorrow, the counselors will be on hand to guide the fans on how to proceed after almost ten years of popularity ", reads on the site.

The advice is available via Skype for $ 38 for half an hour or about $ 50 for an hour.


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