The Animal Crossing: New Horizons Direct airs October 15


Animal Crossing Direct

Remember Animal Crossing: New Horizons Direct that got teased on The Other Direct last month? Well Nintendo has now turned things around when we can go online.

The show will be broadcast on October 15 at 7 a.m. PT / 10 a.m. ET / 3 p.m. BST / 4 p.m. CEST. It will last “approximately 20 minutes” and will naturally contain information about upcoming content for the game.

As you can see, this content will arrive in the game the following month. No specific date beyond “November” has yet been provided, but we’re sure everything will be revealed during the presentation.

Will you watch? As always, we’ll make sure to stream the show right here on Nintendo Life, so check back in at the time mentioned above.


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