The anticipated access of 'Dreams & # 39; starts on April 16th on PS4


Media Molecule introduced for the first time dreams in 2015 as a way for PS4 users to create, explore and remix their dreams. A handful of beta users have started playing on it, but this is the first public release. "We hope that a quick access will give us the necessary returns dreams an incredible space for creators and gamers for years to come, "said Siobhan Reddy, director of Media Molecule's studio, in a blog post.

If you're part of the beta or early access, you'll get new features and new content as Media Molecule adds them, and your work will be integrated into the full version of the game when it's released. The studio did not say when it will be. Early access is limited, and although Media Molecule says "it's an important term", you may not want to wait to claim your place.


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