The arrest in Haiti assassination leaves some perplexed: “No one has ever heard of him”


Not only is Haiti’s presidency vacant after the assassination, but it also has two rival prime ministers and a non-functioning parliament. Three men came forward to claim leadership in the country, which was already plagued by gang violence and hampered by poverty.

The U.S. delegation met on Sunday jointly with both Acting Prime Minister Claude Joseph and Ariel Henry, the man Mr. Moïse appointed to succeed Mr. Joseph as prime minister just days before his assassination. A third contender for power, the President of the Senate, Joseph Lambert, was also present.

Ms Psaki said the White House is still considering Haiti’s request to send troops to help stabilize the country. “But for now,” she said, “the United States has not made a commitment to have any presence on the ground.”

Dr Sanon was born in 1958 in Marigot, a town on the south coast of Haiti, and graduated from Eugenio María de Hostos University in the Dominican Republic and from the Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri, according to the Florida Baptist. Historical Society. .

According to public records, Dr. Sanon is also licensed to practice both conventional medicine and osteopathic medicine, an area in which doctors sometimes offer therapies such as spinal manipulation or massage as part of their treatment.

Dr Ludner Confident, a Haitian-born anesthesiologist who practices medicine in Florida, said he got to know Dr Sanon while they both worked for the Organization of Rome, an aid group nonprofit in Haiti, in the years leading up to an earthquake that devastated the country in 2010. The earthquake destroyed Dr Sanon’s clinic, according to a 2010 article in the Baylor Line, a campus magazine of Baylor University in Texas.

“He’s a pastor,” Dr Confiant said of Dr Sanon. “He is a man of God, who wants to do things for Haiti.


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