The AstroTwins Weekly Forecast January 4-10, 2021


Normally the red planet hangs out in a sign for eight weeks, but thanks to a choppy demotion from September 13 to November 9, Mars stirred the pot in the realm of Aries for six whole months.

After this frenetic cycle, Mars crouches in a pragmatic and comfort-loving Taurus. Can we have a global expiration, please? By March 3, everyone’s main task will be to sort out all the big ideas – and epic conflicts – that have arisen since the middle of last year, especially ones (like, say, the presidential election American) which warmed up during the downshift.

Rather than replaying all the details of the fight or gaining the upper hand, the emphasis is on finding real solutions. Granted, these may not be the most exciting eight weeks on the annual calendar. But don’t underestimate the smoldering power of Mars in Taurus!

Like a cosmic entrepreneur, this transit can help us dig to the root of any problem and then force us to mend any fundamental cracks that have provided a false sense of security, at best.


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