The Asus ZenFone 6 at $ 499 is equipped with a camera and a giant battery – TechCrunch


Top-of-the-line smartphone manufacturers have changed their pricing, but 2019 may well become a sort of age-old for flagship budget initiatives. Apple, Google and Samsung are all in this business and OnePlus has once again shown the world how to offer more at a lower cost. And then there is the new ZenFone.

It's a bit of a euphemism to suggest that Asus has struggled to penetrate the smartphone space. And things are not likely to become easier as the market consolidates among the top five players. But you have to hand it over to the company to fight for the closing with the ZenFone 6 at $ 499.

The first thing first. Like the excellent OnePlus 7 Pro, the phone (fone?) Gives up the nick and punch, opting instead for a nifty pop-up menu that rises at the back . This means that a camera performs a double task, tilting between the front and the back by pressing a button on the screen. Like the OnePlus, integrated fall detection retracts the camera if it slips out of your hand.

All this business would be enough to help the phone stand out in a world of similar handsets, but it's a solid budget handset. Inside is a state-of-the-art Snapdragon 855, combined with a powerful 5,000 mAh battery. The new ZenFone also has a headphone jack, since it dates from 2019 and the rules no longer apply to smartphones.

Is it enough to straighten the boat? Probably not, but it's nice to see Asus offer a compelling product at an even more attractive price. More information on the US version of the phone is expected soon.


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