The Atlanta Hyatt Regency dives on a balcony: the man on the run jumps between the balconies of a hotel and dives into his death


Atlanta – According to the police, a man was exposed to a cleaning lady from an Atlanta hotel and died while trying to escape safety by jumping from a balcony to the other, reports WGCL-TV, affiliated with CBS Atlanta.

Atlanta police investigator James White told reporters that it had arrived at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta hotel on Monday morning.

He said that the housekeeper had reported the man to the security, who had gone to confront him.

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White said that the man had run away from security and had tried to jump from an 11th floor balcony to a nearby balcony, but had missed it and was dead.

White said the death would have been accidental. No charges were laid.

The authorities did not immediately disclose his identity. The investigation was ongoing.

The hotel general manager, Peter McMahon, said the hotel was cooperating with the authorities.


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