The "attackers" of Jussie Smollett, Abel and Ola, in search of an acting job


Osundairo Bros

Jussie's "attackers" can not land …

But the punches of Abel

22/04/2019 01:00 PDT


Men who have "attacked" Jussie Smollett on her order feel the pain in the aftermath of all the debacle … because their acting career took a major hit.

Sources close to the Osundairo brothers – Abel and Ola – Tell TMZ … that the two have remained empty trying to land an agent in recent weeks. We are told that they contacted about 10 of the best Chicago agencies and that none of them were interested in signing them.

This is particularly bad at the moment, because it is the season of pilots in the television sector, and that actors such as bros can not even be auditioned without an agent.

The worst is that Abel had actually signed up with Gray's talent group about a month before his involvement in the Jussie drama has become knownand fell soon after.

According to our sources, the reason it was administered was generic and did not mention the Smollett case … but it was obvious. We were told that the agency had told Abel that she could not provide him with the opportunities that he desired, adding … "to part with talented actors like you is a difficult decision to make and not a direct reflection on your character or abilities. "

Unfortunately for the Osundairos … their fitness center decreased too. Our sources say that even though it appeared to be in full swing about a month ago, many of their potential customers were interested in getting in shape and were really looking for details on Jussie's case.

The good news, at least for Abel, is that his boxing career is on the rise. He followed his win in the semi-finals of the prestigious Golden Gloves tournament in Chicago last month by winning the whole damn amateur competition last Friday … in the first round.

So, congratulations for that at least.


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