The author of "Back to the Future & # 39; love these references – Avengers: Endgame & # 39;


"I knew our film had been seen in almost every region of our world, but I did not know that we had also played in other parts of the multi-worms," ​​says Bob Gale.

Bob Gale saw Avengers: End of the game and is proud that his 1985 film Back to the future played a role in the plot.

In the last episode of Marvel, time travel explains to a large extent the will of the superheroes to defeat the cliché of Thanos (Josh Brolin), Back to the future is mentioned several times.

"I was delighted to learn from End of Game that all Marvel superheroes are fans of Back to the future, "Gale said The Hollywood Reporter. "I knew our film had been seen in almost every region of our world, but I did not know that we had also played in other parts of the multi-worms."

Gale wrote the 1985 film starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd, directed by Robert Zemeckis. It was a great success. And the same is true End of Game, who surpassed James Cameron Titanic like the # 2 movie of all time.

Scabies is amused with the news End of Game do so well at the box office.

"Now I have to know if we owe money from these multi-verse theatrical series, and if not, why my contract does not cover these territories!" he joked.

End of Game directors Joe and Anthony Russo have said Back to the future is one of their favorite movies, but to make End of Game unique, the duo felt the need to differentiate the rules of travel in time.

Avengers: End of the game


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