The Bachelor Katie and Michelle will be the next Bachelorettes


Young (left) and Thurston (right).
Photo: ABC

The Bachelor franchise looked at Chris Harrison and said… ban all men until further notice.

In an unprecedented scheduling strategy that includes 100% fewer boys, 2021 will consist of two back-to-backs Bachelorette seasons, with Katie “Vibrator Girl” Thurston and Michelle Young set to be the respective lead women in seasons 17 and 18. The news was one of the brightest, non-racist spots of After the final rose, with guest host Emmanuel Acho announcing the casting alongside the two women. Peter Weber’s 23-year-old Christian daughters must be furious!

“I was a little nervous, but once I found out it was two different seasons, I was there for it. Glad to have someone to tie in with this and share notes as we go, ”Young explained on ATFR. “I really think this process is working. When you can put all of these outside distractions in place and really dive in, I think you can learn a lot about someone. I’m just excited. I am ready to begin. “

Thurston’s season will soon begin filming at a resort town near Albuquerque, New Mexico, while Young’s season is slated for a summer production in an unknown location. Their seasons are expected to air in late spring and late fall, respectively, and will be separated by a horny race of Baccalaureate in paradise. A quick biographical reminder for all of you: Thurston is a 30-year-old bank marketing manager from Washington who has introduced the world to her vibrator on several occasions. Young is a 27-year-old teacher from Minnesota who is – and we don’t mean to editorialize – simply the best.

In addition to the historical nature of the back-to-back Bachelorette seasons, Thurston and Young’s dual casting is logistically interesting. While the two women were fan favorites during James’ season, Thurston was zoned among friends and knocked out pretty early, placing 11th among all contestants. (The only other Bachelor-contestant-become-BacheloretteHannah Brown, who finished seventh in the season of The Virgin.) Young, while James’ runner-up, was one of five women who unexpectedly joined The single person during the third week, which gives her significantly less screen time than her first day cohorts. The two women also avoided the petty drama and toxicity that raged around the house, which was quite a remarkable undertaking, given the extent of the stupid shit that was allotted to airtime.

Hopefully Thurston and Young’s relationship doesn’t end in an engagement with a cheating dog food writer, Michael Strahan’s wannabe duplicitous, alleged stalker, or Blue Lives Matter enthusiast.

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