The balance sheet of division 2


The release date of Division 2 has finally arrived. The game is available in store shelves around the world, which means players are once again diving into dark areas and plundering their friends and enemies, except this time in the spectacular surroundings of Washington DC.

The question is, however, is this sequel good? The current GameSpot Division 2 review awarded 9/10 to the game. Edmond Tran said he "was still in love with" after 30 hours of play.

For more information on critical consensus on The Division 2, read below. You can also have a wider view of the opinions of critics on GameSpot's partner site, Metacritic.

GameSpot – 9/10 (Revision in progress)

"After spending 30 hours to complete the campaign and start playing in the finals, I'm still seduced by The Division 2. The range of types of enemies continues to make fighting difficult, the equipment that I win and pick up continues to feel different and ravaged environments continue to make the plot, and sometimes they are so breathtaking that I have to take a screenshot before continuing. "There is still a lot to see in The Division 2 but I want to take the time to see, I do not know why I'm here or what motivates anyone, and I would like to have a narrative purpose to my thirst for endless progression. am happy to be here now. "- Edmond Tran [Full review-in-progress]

Eurogamer – No score

"From start to finish, Division 2 attracts … pieces of American history with unflinching fervor and manages to say nothing." Worse, she's doing everything in her power to say nothing. is the only real message Division 2 can explain that firearms protect you.In spite of the advertising campaign, it's not a game of saving the soul of America, it's a game on the good guys with weapons, taking what they want from the bad guys with weapons – a shame, because if you can look beyond the emptiness and sloppy politicization of The Division 2, you can have fun at a good game here, even if you'll never completely escape the feeling that it's a stupid and stupid game. "- Johnny Chiodini [Full review]

VG247 – No score

"I'm not always convinced that the games will improve as much after the launch and I can only go through what I've been playing, but Ubisoft has a proven track record of creating games that are much better than the ones I've played. at the launch with frequent updates For now, I must at least congratulate Division 2 for having mastered the basics well.There is a convincing finale, a loot that really matters, and the missions do not do not feel like being copied and pasted to clutter up time, frustrations can be dispelled, it could be the best of its kind, but for the sake of God, let your writers say something if you make another one. "- Kirk McKeand [Full review]

The Telegraph – No Score (Revision in progress)

"If altruism is as essential as the new fly cap hat, it will be yours." Division 2 is doing a solid job at the time, currently performing a smart balancing that could swing as the game advances and keep interesting things becomes more of a challenge.But up to here, everything is fine. "- Tom Hoggins [Full review-in-progress]

IGN – 8.0 / 10 (Evaluation in progress)

"The initial leveling progress of Division 2 has been a relatively joyful undertaking, and it is easy to erase the low bar of its kind, but it is still not an experience I would submit to in isolation, without the promise of A deep and interesting In order to really succeed from now on, Division 2 must show me that my time has been well spent by offering me a unique and progressive type of PvE and PvP multiplayer game that I can not get that in a shared environment. "shooter of the world." – James Duggan [Full review-in-progress]


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