The Beautiful Silence of Metroid – Destructoid


A community blog by NinjaSpeed

Happy Terror of the metroids weekend everyone! As we explore ZDR, here’s another interesting conversation from the Destructoid NinjaSpeed ​​reader about Samus’ strengths as the silent protagonist. –Jordan


Did you hear that? It was the dialogue of a silent protagonist.

I’m a pretty reserved person, so you might think I’d be in the silent protagonists, right? Not enough. When I play games, I like to be immersed in experiences other than my own. That’s why I’m a little tired of the silent protagonists in games.

Apparently the idea is to allow the player to see themselves in the character. The concept doesn’t bother me and there are definitely some games that do well. Link of THE Legend of Zelda the series comes to mind. When done poorly, the protagonist can feel tasteless and underdeveloped.

Even though I can customize an avatar, I like it to be a part of the story, like Robin from Fire Emblem Awakening. Often times, the avatar is a mime that everyone understands or has someone else speaking for them.

That being said, there is a silent protagonist that I’m definitely invested in.

The silence of Samus in Metroid Dread

The Metroid the series is all about exploring in isolation. Samus Aran explores all manner of mysterious environments with only his thoughts to keep him company. This configuration makes Metroid the perfect series to introduce a playable character whose lack of speech actually plays into the narrative and setting.

As an introvert and HSP (highly sensitive person) who often feels like an outsider to those around me, Samus’ silence speaks volumes to me, especially his in-depth thoughts throughout. Metroid Fusion. There’s so much going on in this Power Suit that goes unnoticed.

Some of the most extraordinarily creative, observant, and intelligent people among us are introverted. Usually, this calm nature is interpreted as anti-social or even strange. To me, Samus represents how great a calm person can be, even if the rest of the world doesn’t know it.

Metroid Dread Elevator Ride Gif

The reality is so uncertain that life can often seem overwhelming, especially when you feel lost or don’t know how to move forward. Samus has the same experience every time she walks through a new and mysterious planet or place.

Just as we struggle to figure out how to move forward in life, Samus must figure out how to investigate labyrinthine environments while saving the mind-blowing galaxy! His perseverance in the face of all his obstacles without a word of dialogue speaks a lot to his character.

As Metroid A perpetual loner, I often find myself living a life relatively disconnected from others. Fortunately, this experience allowed me to better understand myself and to have courage in the face of adversity.

It’s nice to know that there is a silent protagonist that I can really understand and identify with. I don’t have much to say and it’s good. Be silent and inspiration looks effortlessly cool on Samus and I hope to follow his lead.

“…” – Samus Aran


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