The best players in Super Smash Bros. Melee Release Updated Fighter Tier List


A list of levels established by interviewing the best players in Super Smash Bros. Melee shows that the meta hasn’t changed much over the past few years.

Super Smash Bros. Melee remains one of the most popular games in the fighting game community, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, virtually preventing competitive play for over a year. Although tournaments are not yet ready to host live events, Super Smash Bros. Melee players are eager to restart. With this in mind, a new “official” Super Smash Bros. Melee the tier list has been curated using contributions from dozens of the world’s best competitive players.

The list of levels comes from PGstats, taking over from Smashboards which has not published a similar list since 2015. The list of levels is made from a survey of 63 of the top 100. Super Smash Bros. Melee players of 2019, since 2020 have gone largely without competition. He also probed the legendary Melee player Armada, who retired from the game in 2018. When it comes to tier lists, it’s hard to imagine a more official roster than what PGstats has put in place given the caliber of players involved in its creation .

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Rank S is the highest level on the list, but only one character can be number one. This place continues to be held by Fox, who has not abandoned it since he won it in 2006. The only other character to occupy this place was Sheik, elected number one between 2002 and 2005. Marth completes the S rank level, Jigglypuff and Falco, Falco notably moving from second position in 2015 to fourth now.

pgstats smash bros melee level list

In A-Rank, Sheik, Captain Falcon, and Peach expand the list to seven. Sheik has gone down slightly, but Peach and Captain Falcon have climbed. B-Rank has been divided into + and -, with Ice Climbers, Pikachu, Yoshi and Samus as B + and Luigi and Doctor Mario as B-. C-Rank, also split, has Ganondorf and Mario in C + followed by Donkey Kong, Young Link, Link, and Game & Watchin C-. D-Rank leaves Mewtwo, Roy, Pichu, Ness and Zelda, Kirby and Bowers moving to F-Rank.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of Super Smash Bros. 2021 tier list. Melee is that not much has changed since 2015. No fighter on the tier list has moved more than two positions up or down, with Falco being the highest ranked fighter to lose two. spots and Jigglypuff being the top ranked fighter to climb two places. Hungrybox’s Jigglypuff game in recent years has clearly had an impact.

PGstats has also established a list of levels for Super Smash Bros. Melee community members, published around the same time as the “official” list. It is remarkable that most of its rankings are similar or identical to the list of professional players. In fact, no character is more than one place away from their ranking on the official list. With that in mind, maybe Super Smash Bros. Melee is about to be resolved.

Super Smash Bros. Melee is available now on GameCube.

MORE: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tier List (March 2021)

Source: PGstats

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