The best Sekiro mods: easy mode, weapons controls, new costumes and more


Sekiro's mods can make huge changes to the PC game, including the one [whisper it] Easy mode Sekiro. The fans of FromSoft have created incredible mod content, totally weird and damn fair, that modifies everything that seems to be a global experience. Although FromSoft has not yet officially announced whether or not Sekiro will receive extensions of downloadable content, we have at least many fan creations to keep the game up to date while waiting for new news. If you have finished the game and you still want to scratch the Sekiro's itch, these 10 mods will allow you to play long after the game credits sequence.

Mod Sekiro engine

You need to download the Sekiro mods engine before you can start experimenting with the different mods created by the players, listed below. This handy engine lets you edit weapons, armor, textures, and more. of Sekiro without extracting the game's archives or applying patches to the various files. To make things even better, the katalash mod engine ignores Sekiro's logos when starting the game, allowing you to get into the action much more quickly. Simply follow the download instructions described in the link above to change your game in no time.

Sekiro Easy Mode (Unlocking FPS and more)

Although this practice talks about the possibility of unlocking the maximum limit of 60 fps game, add custom resolutions (support 21: 9), edit the FOV, use window mode without borders, display hidden death / destruction counters, etc. modifiers. With this installation, you can "prevent the dragonrot from increasing, disable death sentences, like losing Sen or experience, increase the ability of the" emblem of the mind "and, bigger, "game speed and player speed modifier". If Isshin, the Holy Sword annoys you or if you just want to rush into the game to see all the purposes, the mod's overall speed modifier will allow you to slow down the game (while you're moving normally) to clear your way through the Ashina without breaking the sweat. The beauty of this mod lies in its general simplicity because it does not require any DIY for it to work: in fact, all you have to do is start the mod and run it in the background when you want it. re play.

Mod costume pack

This costume pack replaces Sekiro's grizzly play pattern with a range of characters, including Lady Emma, ​​Genichiro, Isshin, O Rin of the Water, a monkey, an oversized lizard and the ever adorable man with a basket on his head. If you feel tired with the wolf's scruffy look and want to mix things up, then this costume pack will give you all the disguises that a shinobi master might need. After all, by defeating Isshin, the Holy Sword as a monkey is certainly a rather cathartic experience.

Change Sekiro's outfit

Eyedeability's mod Murasakino Oni transforms worn Sekiro rags into sophisticated clothes worthy of a loyal wolf. This eye-catching skin is based on the color violet and includes a color of the mod White Wolf and a purple version of Moonlight Kusabimaru that goes well with. This highly detailed and detailed mod not only stands out among the rugged landscapes of Sekiro's brutal world, but it also looks great when combined with the game's Divine Confetti. Reducing enemies in a wave of purple flames and bloody blows adds a new layer of beauty to Sekiro's fight.

Minimal HUD

This mod allows you to customize the HUD of the game as you like, allowing you to choose which indicators and indicators appear on the screen. For example, removing all enemy icons will prevent you from determining if a nearby unit has seen you or if some NPCs are hostile. The various vignette effects of the game can also be removed and allow for much greater immersion when they are hidden, squatting or near the wall. The minimalist HUD mod from Dziggy may not be for everyone, but those who wish to intensify the difficulty on consecutive games will certainly want to try their luck.

Katana Merchant mod

One of Sekiro's main critics was the lack of customization options and many players have failed to equip The Wolf with his own arsenal. However, the Katana Merchant mod aims to solve this problem by offering a selection of katanas that you can get. This mod changes neither Sekiro's stats nor the movement set of the loyal swords, but gives the deadly shinobi's deadly arsenal and an improved look.

Improvement of cosmetic basic weapons

We would be lying if we said that we did not feel left out when we discovered that Genichiro and Isshin could both imbue their swords with a thunderclap to produce even more shocking blows. However, ChoongJing has created a mod that allows the Wolf to put on his sword fire, lightning, blood, poison, air, dark energy and even the beautiful Divine Confetti effect. Just consume some items to aesthetically polish your katana for up to three minutes and let the sparks spin. Even if this mod is not likely to amplify your damage, it adds an extra layer of freshness to every fight and every boss.

Dark Souls 3 weapon replacement

If you like the idea of ​​crushing your enemies with Smough's hammer hammer or slicing and dicing your way through Ashina Castle with the Frayed Blade, then you might want to consider downloading this mod of Dark Souls weapon replacement 3. All weapons of this mod have been painstakingly implemented in Sekiro, so you will not have to worry about their misplaced appearance in their Sengoku environment. This weapon replacement mod does not change the movements of Sekiro and offers no real benefit, but it scrapes the itch of Dark Souls.

Reshade simple and realistic

From snowy cliffs of the Sunken Valley to the heavenly grounds surrounding the Fountainhead Palace, Sekiro offers a wide range of landscapes that players can explore to find hidden objects and bosses. The latest installment of FromSoft certainly does not lack beauty. Although Sekiro offers many panoramic views, many mods aim to improve the graphics of the game. Chris Rubino's simple reshade mod makes the colors of the game really bright without excessive performance or saturation of the game's original color scheme. Color enhancements have been made throughout the game. Try this modhambre Reshade if you want to see the difference for yourself.

Native PS4 buttons

While playing Sekiro with a keyboard and a mouse is feasible, Sekiro's fight really lends itself to the controls of the gamepad. However, although Sekiro has resources for the prompts and menus of the PS4 buttons in the files of the game, they have not been activated in the final version of the game. Although this is not a problem for those who like to use the Microsoft controllers, many players who prefer to play with the Sony DualShock 4 have remained in darkness. Fortunately, Katalash has restored the integrated PS4 buttons from Sekiro. Just install the Mod Sekiro engine, extract the zip file and copy the "menu" directory into Sekiro mods (or your mod directory if you create a custom one in modengine.ini). Once done, you will have PS4 menus in working order.


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