The beta of 'Dota Underlords & # 39; test his first pass in battle


In order to avoid problems such as those that have surprised the previous ones Dota 2 spin off Artifact and Mountain peak – or be outdistanced by his competitors in his turn-based combat genre such as Riots Teamfight Tactics – Valve launched a "Proto Pass" for beta testers. It's always free, so developers can find out what's working and remove bugs as players unlock rewards, such as a new board, banners, and emotes. The developers have already mentioned the fact that some heroes, items and wedding bands will disappear from season to season. It is therefore difficult to find the right balance.

Otherwise, the latest game update also supports the invisible Steam mode, just in case you're supposed to "work" now, as well as many settings to balance the game and performance updates on mobile devices . The latest update is now available on PC, Android and iOS.


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