The big comparison of selfies: Galaxy S10 + vs Pixel 3, LG G8, iPhone XS Max, Huawei P30 Pro, OnePlus 6T


Recognized as the 2013 word of the year and one of the main objects for which we use our phone, selfies have come a long way. Nowadays, phones are naturally very well equipped to make a selfie worthy of the name for Instagram or anything else, but simply "good" is still pretty good.

We've put together a lot of recent flagship products that are totally the cream of the crop these days, and as you can imagine, we've opposed them to see which one shoots the best selfies!
Which devices did we choose? Our venerable roundup includes the Samsung Galaxy S10 +, Google Pixel 3, LG G8, iPhone XS Max Apple, Huawei P30 Pro and OnePlus 6T. The truth is that these are some of the best phones you can buy right now, and a selfie comparison between all of these items will be pretty intriguing.

Scene 1

Regular daytime selfie

Our first selfie is classic – no deliberate HDR, no manic portraits, just our boy George Zarkov and six big flagships. A confrontation for the ages!

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The big comparison of selfies: Galaxy S10 + vs Pixel 3, LG G8, iPhone XS Max, Huawei P30 Pro, OnePlus 6T

Google Pixel 3: 8/10

The Pixel produced a rather nice selfie in this scenario. As evidenced by the 100% cropping, the Pixel is the second most important after the Galaxy S10 + in terms of details and quality. This selfie is slightly on the underexposed side, which gives a darker style, which is not bad, but a flatter look that would allow the user to further post-process the photo would have been a better choice . The bottom is well exposed, but there is no bokeh.

Samsung Galaxy S10 +: 9/10

Excellent selfie! As you can see in the above cropping, there is an exorbitant amount of very clear details that do not seem fuzzy. The exposure of the photo as a whole is excellent, as are the colors – realistic and very true to reality. There is a decent amount of shadows and reflections preserved on George's face, which greatly helps in defining the structure and features of his face. The bottom is well exposed and also has this attractive light bokeh effect that looks natural. Overall, the S10 + argues quite convincingly for its selfie performance from the start.

Apple iPhone XS Max: 8/ten

The exhibition here is perfect, as are most of the colors … except for George's face. I like the selfie, but the iPhone has slightly shifted the color spectrum of the face to the hottest part of the color spectrum and has removed most of the highlights and shadows, thus ensuring a flattened look that lack of depth. As can be seen in the cultures above, the "embellishment" algorithms of the iPhone have eliminated some details, which is cool because George's skin is even more elegant. The bad thing here? The user does not have a say on the activation or deactivation of the beatification.

Huawei P30 Pro: 5/10

The selfie of Huawei P30 Pro is not basically wrong, it just does not appear. The details are good, but the colors are a little dark and dull in terms of liveliness. The face is too white, making George look like a porcelain figurine from a porcelain shop.

LG G8: 5.5 / 10

The selfie of the LG G8 contains a lot of details, but most of them are a little fuzzy: check George's eyebrows in the cultures above and compare them to the rest of the selfies. The color reproduction is excellent and, overall, this selfie is good and can be clearly shared by social media.

OnePlus 6T: 5.5 / 10

Dull details and uninteresting color reproduction – these two are pretty representative of the OnePlus 6T in this scene. The phone does not do any harm in itself, but does not shine in any aspect either, resulting in a rather forgettable selfie.

Scene n ° 2

HDR selfie

In this particular scene, we wanted to test the HDR capabilities of all devices in this scene with a fairly diverse dynamic range. Ideally, we would have the face of my colleague Victor well exposed, while the background would not be exaggerated and would retain its pastel hues of sunset.

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Google Pixel 3: 6/10

From the start, the Google Pixel 3 did the best job in terms of HDR, preserving the colors and distinct shapes of the clouds in the background. There is also a lot of detail here, as well as a rather realistic color palette, neither too yellow nor too bluish. However, there is too much sharpness and excessive contrast here, which I do not particularly like because it makes Victor's face excessively dramatic and unnecessarily dark. This is a specific aesthetic that you may like, but this selfie is not so nice. Victor agrees.

Samsung Galaxy S10 +: 8/10

The Samsung Galaxy S10 +, on the other hand, did not go over the posts with the HDR. Of course, the background may not be as well exposed as on Pixel 3, but it did a better job on what's important here: expose the subject's face. Victor's face appears a little brighter and warmer edged with oversaturated. The general influence towards warmer colors also made the sea a little greenish.

Apple iPhone XS Max: 7.5 / 10

Overall, this selfie is a little flatter than the rest. The subject's face is slightly underexposed and could use a little more pop in terms of post-treatment. Most of the highlights are burned, especially in the upper right of the photo. The details are acceptable, but there is a little too much embellishment: a zoom on Victor's side reveals much less wrinkles than usual.

Huawei P30 Pro: 7/10

At first glance, the Huawei presents a color treatment quite similar to that of the Galaxy S10 +, both devices producing similar selfies. However, there are a few more details in the Huawei P30 Pro selfie.

LG G8: 4/10

An exaggerated sky, but a well-exposed face – the G8 failed this HDR test, but it correctly exposed the face. On the other hand, the details are numerous and the colors of Victor's face are not half bad.

OnePlus 6T: 2/10

A freaky selfie that looks like a botched Photoshop job. Victor is really a saint, but we do not need to see the sacred halo around his head. Also note the artifacts in the right part of his head – just bad! The phone gets a few points for an accurate representation of the background.

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Google Pixel 3: 7.5 / 10

A beautiful photo with tons of details and a beautiful color reproduction. Wrinkles, moles, you can see everything. I do not like it being a little too underexposed and the excessive contrast rubs me in the wrong way.

Samsung Galaxy S10 +: 8/10

I like this one the best. It has the most accurate colors – neither too blue nor too yellow, an excellent overall exposure that retains many visible details in the shadows and, finally, an excellent skin color. We could have used a little more detail though.

Apple iPhone XS Max: 5/10

The iPhone has once again made our faces too flat and boring through a process of embellishment that has stained most of the details, as well as the highlights and shadows that define the features of our face. We promise not to have that yellow color in real life.

Huawei P30 Pro: 5/10

Similar to the iPhone, the P30 Pro appears with a photo too hot. The details, especially on my face, seem very stained, while the face of Victor is fine. He smiles, so he probably likes what he sees in the viewfinder. I do not.

LG G8: 3/10

Very good detail, awful colors. The purple hue is inexcusable and rather horrible. Keep this out of my social media!

OnePlus 6T: 5/10

Our faces look a little lifeless and two-dimensional here. There is almost no detail on our porcelain faces, it's not good!

Victor, a shark and portrait mode. What could go wrong? It turns out that a pair of rimless glasses could be the proverbial

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The big comparison of selfies: Galaxy S10 + vs Pixel 3, LG G8, iPhone XS Max, Huawei P30 Pro, OnePlus 6T

Google Pixel 3: 7.5 / 10

That would have been another outstanding portrait of the Pixel 3's – he had not botched Victor's glasses like that. The reproduction of the colors and the details are exceptional, the separation of the background is good, the bokeh is pleasant to look at and if we abstain from the missed frame of the glasses, this one would have easily taken the cake. However, we can not.

Samsung Galaxy S10 +: 8/10

We have a lot of details here, as well as Samsung's signature facial, which makes portraits more enjoyable. The general show is a little too bright, which is not necessarily bad, and Victor's eyes are even greener today! Note that the fake bokeh does not block the glasses frame on the right.

Apple iPhone XS Max: 6.5 / 10

The iPhone has produced a selfie very similar to the Galaxy S10 +, with comparable colors and exposure. The dynamic range of the face is a little flatter, with the reflections on the nose and the left cheek of Victor slightly attenuated and on the warmer side. The eyeglass frame was also sloppy, deducting one point from the total of XS Max. The details are acceptable, but disappointing – look at the eyebrows and the five o'clock shadow.

Huawei P30 Pro: 6.5 / 10

The Huawei P30 Pro has managed to capture the details of the face here, while screwing up the famous frame of the glasses. TT … TT. Nevertheless, the background is pleasantly blurry with just the right amount of bokeh and the colors are very appealing. Nevertheless, the details are not as clear as on the pixel and the colors could have been more vivid.

LG G8: 7/10

The LG G8 has taken here a pretty good selfie portrait. The overall color palette is warmer, with some features of Victor's face being a bit too red. The details are in agreement. The background bokeh is not as pronounced as on other phones.

OnePlus 6T: 4/10

This one has some problems, namely the leather jacket of Victor who has gone from brown to black, as well as the colors too cold.

I've deliberately taken this selfie under an incandescent red light, and the results will shock you! Ok, maybe not.

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The big comparison of selfies: Galaxy S10 + vs Pixel 3, LG G8, iPhone XS Max, Huawei P30 Pro, OnePlus 6T

Google Pixel 3: 7/10

Good work on the part of the Pixel 3. Despite the intrusion of the dominant red, the phone has endeavored to mitigate the purple glare. My features are well defined and my face is well exposed, but the details appear a little fuzzy. Meanwhile, the background is clean and colorful. A very good selfie in low light.

Samsung Galaxy S10 +: 3.5 / 10

The Galaxy S10 + overexposed my face, making me look like a ghost cloth. The details are nonexistent, my facial features are somewhat spotted and separated severely. Not good.

Apple iPhone XS Max: 1/10

Not a selfie that I would share on social media.

Huawei P30 Pro: 5.5 / 10

The P30 Pro did a good job of properly capturing ambient lighting in the background. The details are a little muddy and my face is slightly underexposed, which is worth a score of 5 out of 10.

LG G8: 4.5 / 10

Despite being well exposed, I'm not really a fan of the colder colors of this selfie. Nevertheless, it does a good job of conveying the general atmosphere.

OnePlus 6T: 7.5 / 10

The OnePlus 6T decided not to minimize the strong red hue on my face and actually adopted it! I like this one a lot. There are many details and beautiful casts in the background. Definitely a photo worthy of Instagram, and my favorite among the six participants here.

Scene n ° 6

Low light selfie with flash

Google Pixel 3: 7.5 / 10

My face is well exposed and we can see beautiful details in this selfie Pixel 3. However, the distribution of the flash is a little colder.

Samsung Galaxy S10 +: 2/10

The overpowering flash of the galaxy not only wiped out the selfie, but also gave an abnormal reddish cast to my face. I do not like that.

Apple iPhone XS Max: 7/10

The True Tone flash of the iPhone has done a good job here: my face looks well exposed and very natural in this particular selfie. However, the details are a little fuzzy.

Huawei P30 Pro: 6/10

Huawei's yellow flash lit up my face. However, many imperfections of my face have been smudged and my face as a whole is a bit blurry.

LG G8: 4/10

Like the Pixel, the LG G8 produced a very cold selfie, which gives me a rather pale look and the opposite opposite of the beautiful. Not a fan of this "Nivea cream all over my face" look.

OnePlus 6T: 9/10

A very pleasant surprise from OnePlus 6T! I must admit that I did not expect this test to succeed, but it is true: the OnePlus 6T selfie with flash is the best I took that night. Excellent skin colors, good exposure and lots of details. Overall, a nice selfie that invites to be shared on the gram.

Final score

The big comparison of selfies: Galaxy S10 + vs Pixel 3, LG G8, iPhone XS Max, Huawei P30 Pro, OnePlus 6T

Google Pixel 3: – 43.5 / 60
Samsung Galaxy S10 +: – 38.5 / 60
Huawei P30 Pro: – 36/60
Apple iPhone XS Max: – 35/60
OnePlus 6T: – 33/60
LG G8: – 28/60


You have seen the pictures, you have read the mini reviews of each of them, you have seen the final result, and now is the time to conclude.

The Pixel 3 has passed this test and, despite his failures in some scenes, he easily beat all other phones. The huge amount of detail and excellent color rendering, as well as the excellent HDR capabilities of the selfie camera, make it the best bet at the moment. Nevertheless, there are still some improvements to be made, especially in the portrait and selfie flash aspects of the selfie camera. If Google responds, the Pixel 4 generation will impose from the start.

The Galaxy S10 + is again a bridesmaid and not a bride. There is a lot of room for improvement here. The same goes for the P30 Pro: despite its intriguing rear camera capabilities, the front camera has lagged behind, and despite its laudable performance in some situations, the phone has not impressed. The iPhone XS Max did a good job on its own, but failed to convince the Android public this time around. The OnePlus 6T could not convince me with its questionable abilities in color science and HDR, but it overcame the challenges of low light, which is good! Finally, the LG G8 m & # 39; has disappointed with its poor performance.


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