The biggest update of No Man's Sky goes beyond and beyond


Hello Games announced today No Man's Sky Beyond, the largest and most ambitious update of the galactic space simulation to date.


With the construction of bases, light cooperation, cargo ships and a plethora of almost infinite exploration plans generated by procedures, No Man's Sky is already a gigantic game, but Hello Games has it all. intention to push the bar even further with new extensions. Developers are going ahead with Beyond, the colossal new update of No Man's Sky, which aims to completely recast its online component and reshape the game as we know it.

The exact details of Beyond are clear at the moment, but we know that it will take off this summer on all platforms and bring a whole new dimension to the game's online multiplayer.

A press release says that beyond will deliver "Exciting changes in the multiplayer experience that will change the way players come together and offer radical new ways to explore the universe." Beyond has not been released yet – it's more of a teaser – and Hello Games promises that the update brings more than just online multiplayer changes.


Read also: No Man's Sky has always talked about cosmic solitude

What's even more interesting is Beyond which will be completely free. Even though it looks like an extension (or maybe even a sequel), Beyond will be free for all existing owners just like No Man's Sky NEXT. It will also not be monetized with subscriptions or microtransactions, confirms the 505 Games publisher.

Beyond will be the seventh major update of No Man's Sky since its release in 2016. A schedule of updates can be found below:

  1. Foundation – This update adds basic building basics and is a foundation for the future.
  2. Path Finder – This update introduces planetary vehicles, basic sharing, PS4 Pro support, ship / weapon specialization, permadeath mode, and more.
  3. Atlas Rises – Atlas Rises brings a brand new, redesigned central scenario, portals, a new procedural mission system, business enhancements, system savings, joint exploration and more.
  4. No Man's Next Sky – Presents a complete multiplayer experience, a virtually unlimited base, control of cargo ship armadas, a graphic redesign, etc.
  5. The abyss – Explore the terrors of the depths of the Abyss Update. Introduce aquatic environments with a variety more than 5 times more varied, behaviors of various creatures, better visual underwater, etc.
  6. Visions – Discover a more diverse and diverse world in the Visions update. Presentation of a new planetary biome, more colorful worlds, new fauna and flora, archeology, recovery, and so on.
  7. No Man's Sky BEYOND – New online multiplayer mode and much more …


No Man's Sky: Beyond is expected to be released in the summer of 2019 on PS4, Xbox One and PC. The studio has planned to reveal many details about the mega-update in the weeks and months to come, and we could see information drops at PAX East.

Here's what Sean Murray of Hello Games had to say about No Man's Sky: Beyond:

Hello everyone,

We know that there is a lot of hunger for news and updates on No Man's Sky. We wanted to share information behind the scenes.

Our next chapter will be called No Man's Sky: Beyond, Summer 2019 to come.

Every chapter of No Man's Sky was more successful than the previous one. Thanks to our community, NEXT, our important version of last year is especially so. This then pleased millions of new players and helped change the legacy of this game that is close to our hearts.

Earlier this year, as we worked on our roadmap for three future updates, we decided to combine their features and had a vision for something much more impactful.

We are pleased to announce that Beyond will contain these three major updates in a larger free version.

The first component of Beyond that we are announcing today is No Man's Sky Online.

No Man's Sky Online offers a brand new social and multiplayer experience that allows players in the universe to meet and play together. While this brings people together like never before and features many recognizable online elements, we do not consider Sky's No Man as an MMO – it does not require subscription, does not contain microtransactions and will be free for all existing users. players.

These changes are a response to the way we've seen people play since the release of NEXT, and we've been dreaming about it for a long time.

We will talk more about each element when we know how to be specific and hope to share more in the coming weeks.

Beyond that, it will be our most ambitious chapter so far, and we have worked in a ridiculous way. We will continue to support No Man's Sky in this way for the foreseeable future.

It's unexpected, but so rewarding to see so many awards and nominations for No Man's Sky as being the best or most evolved this year. For some, NEXT may have seemed like a natural end to our trip, but for us it was a new step on a longer trip.

Thank you so much,



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