The Border Patrol excluded from the San Jose College Job Fair, an immigration rally is still scheduled


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By Elisha Fieldstadt

The US Border Patrol was expelled from an employment fair at a college in San Jose, California after a group of activists protested against its planned presence and organized a rally during the fair.

A spokesman for San Jose City College said this week at the NBC Bay Area that it had canceled the invitation, in the light of heightened tensions around the law enforcement in the area. ;immigration.

"With all that has happened in recent years around the issue of immigration and border patrols and the police, we are not comfortable with that, getting them on our campus, "said spokesman Ryan Brown.

A group of activists, Dump Trump San Jose, has been encouraging supporters for more than a week to call the office of the president of San Jose City College to demand that the Border Patrol be banned from the show 's lounge. employment and future university events.

The group published a scripting suggestion for the appellants, including: "The US Border Patrol is a fundamentally racist and anti-immigrant institution, immigrants make up almost 40% of our population and the presence of police officers Borders at SJ City The campus of the university jeopardizes the safety of students and the community in general. "

On Monday, the group announced that the college had disavowed the control agency.

"Thank you to all those who acted to ask that the border patrol be removed from the job fair! The tremendous support of the community and the student body has managed to send them back," reads in a Facebook message from Dump Trump San Jose.

The group said it would mobilize again on Tuesday as the removal of the border patrol from the job fair is "only a tiny step in the much larger fight that needs to be conducted to support migrant and immigrant communities in the face of entrenched racism, xenophobia, white supremacy and fascism in the United States ".

A US customs and border protection spokesperson said in a statement that sending agents to the fair was "about informing about the rich, rewarding and rewarding career opportunities that CBP can to offer, not to conduct law enforcement activities. " The statement adds that CBP "complies" with the school's decision not to have agents at the fair.


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