The brewers will sign Gio Gonzalez


The Brewers have agreed to an agreement with lefty Gio Gonzalez, according to Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic (via Twitter). He will earn $ 2 million for his work the rest of the season with up to $ 2 million more in incentives available.

Gio Gonzalez} Jeff Hanisch-USA TODAY & # 39; HUI Sports

The incentive package reflects changes in the use of modern launchers. It's a points-based system, as Jon Heyman of MLB points out. tweeted. Gonzalez can earn two points each time he makes three or more appearances and one point for all other appearances. He will receive $ 333,333 after accumulating his 25, 30, 35 and 40 points, then $ 333,334 with his 45th and 50th, says Robert Murray of The Athletic. on Twitter.

Gonzalez, who recently joined CAA Baseball, has triggered a disengagement clause in the minor league contract that he signed at the end of the camp with the Yankees. When the New York club refused to add him to his list of MLB players, Gonzalez returned to the open market. Although his new contract does not come with the same amount as the previous one, he will return it to the majors and provide guaranteed earnings.

Gonzalez should be ready to go directly into the Brewers' rotation. He worked 15 times on three starts with the Yankees, awarding ten earned runs but posting a solid 19: 6 K / BB ratio. The brewing team obviously appreciated what she saw enough to commit resources to add Gonzalez to her staff.

It's a good decision at this point of the season for the Brewers, who have had several early morning turnover problems. Gonzalez is certainly not the thrower he once was at 33, but he was still able to work on solid mounds in recent years. He is also one of the most enduring starters in the game. Although he is not really known for his regular round of heat, Gonzalez is a good bet to make his scheduled starts and nibble some frames.

Gonzalez has taken the ball 283 times since the start of the 2010 season, an improved track record by only a few starters. In seven seasons with the Nationals, Gonzalez has recorded more than 1,200 ERA 3.62 innings with 8.7 K / 9 vs. 3.5 BB / 9. His best seasons came earlier in his term, though he slipped into one last jewel of a year in 2018 – overcoming disappointing peripherals that suggested some luck and a regression in the following season.

Although he actually took a step back in 2018, Gonzalez was still capable of 171 frames in 4.21 Bille. He has been particularly effective in his last five outings with Milwaukee. In 25 innings and 1/3, he only allowed six earned runs on 14 hits with a 22:10 K / BB ratio.

Photo courtesy of USA Today Sports Images.


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