The Bride's Father of the Vampire Weekend # 1 at the Billboard 200


Vampire Weekend dominated the Billboard 200 with his last two albums, 2013 Modern vampires of the city and 2010 Contra. They continue the series with The father of the bride, which debuted today at # 1. The album earned 138,000 equivalent album units last week, including 119,000 in album sales. according to Display panel, the two sums are the most important for a rock album in 2019.

The father of the bride is the biggest rock album since Mumford & Sons' Delta made its debut at No. 1 last December with 230,000 units and 214,000 album sales. FOTB was released earlier this month, the 5/3.

FOTB has generated 20.29 million streams of audio on demand for his songs, making it the biggest week of streaming a rock album in 2019. Display panel reports, "the only rock albums to record larger streaming images this year are two Queen albums released before 2019: the Bohemian Rhapsody soundtrack and sound The biggest tubes album, both with multiple images of more than 20.29 million clicks in 2019. "

Read our recent interview with Vampire Weekend leader Ezra Koenig here.


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