The cheating episode of Lori Loughlin's school resurfaced


Loughlin became famous playing Aunt Becky, who was married to Uncle Jesse in the "Full House" series.

The Los Angeles Times reminded us that, in an old episode of the series, the couple had said they were not truthful during the application process of registering their twin sons, Nicky and Alex, in a preschool.

During Season 6 in 1993, an episode entitled "Be Faithful to Your Preschool" uncovered Uncle Jesse – played by John Stamos – desperately trying to impress school administrators after meeting with another group of kids. parents.

Their child speaks in complete sentences, knows his ABC and has been enrolled in a prestigious kindergarten. "If you put your child on the right track now, he will be on the fast track for life," said the father of the child.

Uncle Jesse is prompted by his uncle Joey incarnated by David Coulier.

"I'm their father," Uncle Jesse decides. "If I do not lie for them, who will?"

Of course, the schema is discovered and Loughlin's character is the voice of reason, saying to the Stamos character: "I know you want what's best for them, but maybe the fast lane is not. "

"Nicky and Alex are normal and healthy kids, and whatever their track, they seem to be fine," she says.

Loughlin, who is accused with her husband in real life trying to trace the path that leads to the university for their two daughters, had until then enjoyed a rather clear picture at Hollywood.

That's probably why social media has constantly created and shared memories about the charges against her.

The old episode is currently available in streaming, with episodes of other seasons, on Hulu.


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