The chief viewer of Fox News complains about the town hall of the network, Bernie Sanders


Oliver Darcy writes: Trump raised his eyebrows Tuesday morning when he tweeted another complaint regarding Fox's news division. "So weird to watch Crazy Bernie on @ FoxNews," he writes. "Unsurprisingly, @BretBaier and the" public "were so smiling and kind, very strange, and now we have @donnabrazile?"

Notice the "we?" The reporters quickly pointed out that Trump implied that Fox and he were the same entity. You talk about a Freudian slip …

The anchor Fox tweeted: "Thank you for watching Mr. President – we'd love to see you soon in a city hall – or even an interview on @SpecialReport – it's been a long time, we cover all parties."
As the Politico Playbook emphasized, Baier was looking for an interview with Trump for years … The President's interviews on Fox are "almost always with friendly commentators like Sean Hannity or Jeanine Pirro".

Trump's critics continued Tuesday night: he claimed that "many fans and posters of Trump" were outside the town hall, and that there were "of Big complaints not to be left cluttered with Bernie fans. What's up with @FoxNews? "

According to the local newspaper, however, "Fox has contacted various political and local groups in the region and undermined requests for participation after publicly announcing the event." Trump's supporters were in the audience.

All of this just shows how Fox's chief viewer reacts – angrily – when the network leaves room for critical voices.

Meanwhile, Philip Bump of WaPo has written about the "transience" of Sanders' moment – Sean Hannity and many, many others have criticized Sanders after the closure of the Town Hall …

Other Dems are open in Fox

Like Scott Bixby from the Daily Beast wrote"Sanders' successful appearance last night may have broken the wall in the opposition of candidates for appearances on the network."
Fox certainly points to the odds to convince the other contenders to 2020. Bernie has attracted 2.55 million viewers in total, making it "the leading event in the 2020 election to the present day. ", wrote Mediaite. For comparison purposes, the same time slot averaged 1.88 million viewers the previous Monday.
So, with all that in mind, Pete Buttgieg could be the next Dem to participate. On Tuesday, his campaign confirmed to be in talks with Fox on a city hall. Oliver Darcy has the details here. Campaign spokeswoman Lis Smith said last month on "Reliable" that South Bend's media strategy was "to talk to everyone …"
→ According to Gideon Resnick, three other candidates – Eric Swalwell, Tim Ryan and Julián Castro – are also interested in the format of Fox Town Hall …
→ The next event organized by CNN will have five candidates one after the other Monday night …

Lowry takes

Brian Lowry writes: In recent days, Bill Hemmer and Bret Baier have both criticized Fox News channel critics Tom Perez and Bernie Sanders, respectively. But it's at best interested – and a bit awkward – that these anchors minimize the concerns voiced about Fox News as an organization or as its hosts during prime time. If Fox really wants to welcome Democrats throughout the election cycle, his anchors will have a little less snowflake about such critics …

James Murdoch does WHAT !?

"What's next for James Murdoch?" THR asked Monday. The story has had a lot of answers … and even more came out on Tuesday. With his brother Lachlan Murdoch under FOX, James does his own thing …
Ben Mullin, of the WSJ, wrote Tuesday about Murdoch's plans to invest in a comic book publisher called Artists, Writers and Artisans. "The value of storytelling is only increasing, and AWA is uniquely positioned to create a formidable platform for writers and artists," said Murdoch.
Later in the day, an FT team escaped this information: the "new wallet" of Murdoch's media companies "could include a liberal-style press," the newspaper quoted it as saying. people who know his projects directly ". Murdoch "wanted to stand out from the conservative media controlled by his father for decades, but he had not yet decided how exactly he would invest in the media.On his options go to a Web site of 39, liberal information to a digital magazine focused on culture, society and lifestyle. "

Lieutenant Murdoch says that the NYT's story was a "rancid ax job"

Murdochland was silent when the NYT released its three-part investigation on "Planet Fox" two weeks ago. News Corp CEORobert Thomson, one of Rupert's top executives, has something to say. In a speech on Tuesday night, he "rejected the NYT's investigation as a" rancid ax job "that was" far from the truth, "" according to the Sydney Morning Herald.

Thomson described it as "multi-generational mud propagation in which the facts were accidental, even accidental, and where journalistic jaundice and corporate self-interest were fundamental". Hmmm, what facts? I do not see any correction in the story!

Our Lady, the next day

The cover of Wednesday's Liberation shows the calcined inside the cathedral. Despite all the damage, the fire is extinguished; "It's amazing that so much has been spared" and "all Paris is united in its reconstruction efforts," said Chris Cuomo on the "Prime Time" show. Some notes:

– "The most egregious examples of misinformation" about the fire – trying to blame "racial or religious minorities for the epidemic" – have their origin in "the darker corners of the internet , but many have found a larger audience on social media, "CNN's Gianluca Mezzofiore wrote Tuesday …
– Charlie Warzel did that point about crazy conspiracy theories: "The first rule of this hell on the Internet is that everything is exploited to support a more general story.No matter what happens … these are just ammunition for the war of information. "
Donie O 'Sullivan & # 39; s latest: The algorithmic suggestion of YouTube that the fire was linked to the attacks of 9/11 shows, once again, that technology companies have a major problem of "live" …
– Per Taylor Nicole Rogers, "Victor Hugo's" Hunchback of Notre Dame "has become the best-selling book on Amazon France …"

The long wait …

This week is a very long "wait for news" until the report written by Robert Mueller is published Thursday morning … All major television networks have planned a special coverage …

– Here's Joe Pompeo's look at the debilitating journalists "Mueller's moment of truth …" (VF)
– Kevin Liptak and the last of Kaitlan Collins: "Trump anticipates the confirmation of Mueller but the assistants are worried about his temper …" (CNN)

Twenty years after the shooting of the Columbine School …

A credible threat was launched against Columbine High School and other schools in the area on Tuesday, a few days before the twentieth anniversary of the Columbine School shootout. This is a new demonstration of how the country has changed since then.

On Wednesday, Brooke Baldwin of CNN will present a special segment of the Columbine and Parkland survivors.

Wayne Drash is the author of the associated story for – a continuation of "The Loneliest Club". Baldwin said: "The idea was to connect two terrible tragedies in the history of our country.What have we learned, what has changed? "


– Twitter's Twitter-led "Mea Culpa Tour" continues at TED 2019 … Emily Dreyfuss has an excellent summary of her vague remarks here … (WIRED)
– Dreyfuss tweeted later: "It's hard for me to express how frustrating it is to watch @ TED's @ conference today." I was frustrated, the audience was frustrated, he was frustrated, the people he was talking to were frustrated, it was all a frustrating thing! "(Twitter)
Read more about the information letter "Reliable sources" of Tuesday … And subscribe here to receive future editions in your inbox …
– Via Claire Atkinson: "After decades of partnership with HBO, Netflix seems to seize the Bryant Park movie night." With HBO transferred from Bryant Park to Hudson Yards, that makes sense … (Twitter)


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