The Coast Guard saves 114 people after the passage of Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas


Opa-locka, Florida – The currency of the US Coast Guard is "Semper Paratus" or "always ready". For Hurricane Dorian, they were only that.

The seventh district of the Coast Guard was ready to help a country in the backyard of America. "CBS Evening News" flew over the most hurricane-affected islands with the Coast Guard. Aboard the HC-144 cargo plane, the damage is obvious.

"Our main mission is Search and Rescue, we can suffer losses in the plane to save a life, but our primary mission is to save a life," said Lieutenant Julianna White.

The Coast Guard has saved a total of 114 people and six pets from a devastated island chain. They will continue to fly to the most affected areas of the Bahamas for as long as necessary.

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CBS News

The Coast Guard Air Base in Miami is no stranger to these missions. In 2005, they saved nearly 800 people after Hurricane Katrina. Lieutenant Jillian Harner said that even a rescue saved all efforts.

"It's really an honor. You have a rescue case, it's the best feeling. That's what's worth the training you've done, "said Harner.

The hurricane hit the Bahamas for 48 hours. At least 20 people were killed. Thousands of homes are thought to have been damaged or destroyed and tens of thousands of homes have no drinking water.

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